Chapter Three

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Aleve stumbled towards her friend. Aleve felt as if she has used up all her energy. from what energy was left in her she walked up to violet and mustered "help". At that Aleve fainted. 

Violet was about to scream when she realized she would draw more attention to herself and Aleve wouldn't want that so she slowly moved Aleve away from the crowd. Then violet took some water from her water bottle and splashed it on her face. Aleve jolted awake. 

She was a bit groggy but slowly she told violet what had happened and then Aleve put her hand into her pocket and realized that she had the stone in her pocket. But she wasn't sure how it had got there. 

Finally violet spoke, " I am stumped, I mean you shouldn't have touched the stone but now you can't also keep it back because it looks like the stone has some kind of connection with you like some kind of bond ". 

That was not the kind of advice Aleve expected from violet. Aleve thought she was going to tell her to put the stone back and scold her for touching it but Aleve was glad that violet didn't.

 Finally, the trip was over and the girls boarded the bus and went back home Aleve was still in a daze about what had happened that day. But what Aleve does not know is that there were more things in store for her, some things she just won't expect. 

The day after the trip Aleve woke up still dazed about yesterday's events. As usual, she got ready and headed to school. She entered her class and sat down at her desk still thinking about the stone. She was so out of it that she didn't see violet come in and settle on the desk next to her. 

Violet gently shook Aleve but she didn't respond, so violet did the only thing that was left to do, She took a deep breath and screamed into Aleve's ears. 

Aleve came back to the real world with a big shock and her ears tingling.  She turned to violet and asked, "did you really have to do that?" 

"Hey, you got to do what you got to do."  the black eye girl shrugged and replied. 

"you were thinking about yesterday huh?" violet asked. 

"yeah been thinking about it the whole day " Aleve replied, but suddenly they were interrupted by a girl who entered class wearing a designer dress, and ruby-encrusted heels that were so high she could probably touch the lights on the ceiling.

Knock knock guess who?

 Jessica, of course. 

"Hello everyone.... miss me?  while you losers were at the museum looking at the old pots and pans I was at the spa having a wonderful time, unlike you poor unfortunate souls" she said.

Getting tired of her attitude Alev Snapped at her, "well for your information Jessica at the museum we saw a room full of ancient and rare jewels, too bad you couldn't see it" 

 Jessica's mouth dropped open in horror and she screamed at her best friend Ally. They started fighting but no one stopped to watch, they had their own business to attend to.

 Aleve turned back and started talking to violet. " I have been feeling funny ever since I touched the stone, every minute I feel a power surge through me, I really don't know what to do I can't talk to mum about this nor stepdad, and talking to Will is out of the question, he will just stir up trouble for me," 

"well...... I'm not sure what to tell you.... Hang in there we will find a way to understand what's happening to you for now well...... let's concentrate on our lessons ..ok?" violet replied. 

But Aleve couldn't concentrate on lessons she had too much on her mind that she couldn't even think about algebra. She didn't care about her lessons right now, all she wanted to do was go home and check on the red stone. 

She hadn't bought it to school, in case it got lost or stolen. Aleve felt somehow as if it was a part of her now. 

Finally, it was time to go home, Alev ran home, into her bedroom took the stone from her drawer, and sat on the bed looking at it. Aleve stared at the stone for hours, she heard her brother come in and go but she didn't move.

 After a while, She felt hungry so she went down to eat a sandwich and then came back. She once again sat on her bed and stared at the stone. Finally, after a few minutes, she fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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