Chapter Two

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It was Sunday morning.

 On the day of the trip, Alev couldn't say she was excited about the trip. She actually didn't even want to go but the trip was mandatory at least that's what the teacher said. Alev thought museums were very boring (they are!) but she thought "why not give it a try there is nothing to lose" as she got up. Alev got up got ready ate some toast packed her bag and went out of her house locked her door and started walking towards the school. 

Finally, Aleve reached her class and sat down at her desk waiting for her teacher to come so they could board the bus to go to the museum. Finally, the teacher came and took attendance. But when she came to Jessica's name she marked her absent. Jessica was the most obnoxious evil person you will ever meet but unfortunately, she was also the head cheerleader so that meant everyone loved her except Alev and a few others. 

Jessica's best friend Emily had asked what happened to her, the teacher replied " the poor girl, she has really high fever, she really wanted to come. Her mom said she was crying when she was told she couldn't go". "She must have been faking it, what a big phony," Aleve thought. 

 The teacher continued "Ok class please takes your bags we will be boarding the bus in a few minutes. And I am making partners for everyone so you don't get lost so please listen carefully" Then the teacher started dishing out partners. Aleve got a girl named violet for a partner. Violet was pretty nice so both of the hit off immediately.

They both got on like a house on fire, They both talked to each other the whole trip. "Finally I have a friend I can talk to, "Aleve thought. They told each other about their families. Aleve told violet about her family problems. Violet felt a lot of sympathy for Alev. 

Clearly, Alev has been through a lot more than she could handle. She had lost her father. She has an awful stepbrother and her stepdad and her mom don't have time to spend with her. They continued talking until they reached their destination.

Up close the museum looked very big. BRITISH MUSEUM was written in big bold letters.

Once the girls went inside the museum they realized that the museum was much bigger than it looked from the outside. Inside there was a banner hanging that "welcome one and all. Welcome to the British Museum exhibition". 

The museum curator gave them a small speech and they headed on their tour around the museum. First, they went to the prehistoric section. If you are a person who loves dinosaurs and other things related to prehistoric times you would find this section pretty impressive. There were all kinds of fossils like dinosaur fossils and plant fossils. 

The next section was the medieval section this section was filled with armor, swords, shield, and a lot of other things related to war. Now this section would have really interested Alev's stepbrother Will because he loves war,  that's the only reason he sits in history class. He was born for destruction. 

Next, they went to the part of the museum that displayed all kinds of precious rocks. In that section, there were so many precious gems and stones. When the boys and girls entered a rainbow of lights greeted them from every corner. All the girls went wild and ran to every corner of the room looking at all the displays. "Jessica would be so mad when she hears that she missed this section," Aleve thought laughing to herself. 

Suddenly Aleve saw a flash from the corner of her eye. Leaving violet who was examining some rubies and sapphires, Alev walked toward the corner of the room. She saw where the flash had come from and started walking towards a particular pair of stones arranged in a neat pile. There were seven stones, each of them a different color. 

Aleve read a sign that said "do not touch" but she felt some kind of attraction to the red stone lying in the middle of the pile and before she could stop herself she touched the red stone. Aleve felt a sudden surge pass through her body that gave her a sudden shock and she started to feel dizzy.  

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