Chapter One

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[Third person POV]

She was just a lonely girl.

 Her name was Alev... She lived at her house with her mother, her stepdad, and her stepbrother. She and her stepdad got along very well. It was her stepbrother she couldn't tolerate. Every day was war...

At school, Alev had no friends she was always getting bullied and made fun of. Everyone stayed away from her like she had a bad case of flu. Alev had no one to talk to. Being at home wasn't much better than being at school. Her stepbrother treated her like an outcast, and her mom and parents barely had time to spend with her. 

Her parents were extremely busy. They were always working, busy with their professional lives. And she barely saw Will, but she was okay with that.

Now, though Alev's life was messed up it was at least regular. But all that was about to change.

 Alev got up, as usual, dreading school. She got out of bed and checked the mirror and as usual, her hair was all tangled up and looked messy. She sighed and went into the washroom, brushed her teeth, bathed, and came out. She took her uniform out of the cupboard and wore it. Then she proceeded to comb her wild hair remembering that her father used to say her hair looked like a lion's mane in the morning. 

She sighed, oh how she missed him.                                                                                                                     After combing her hair she did it back to a big neat bun. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a white and red checkered skirt with a white shirt and a red tie. She grabbed her bag and headed downstairs, as usual, no one was at home. Alev suddenly remembered she hadn't done her homework. She sat down at the kitchen counter frantically trying to finish it and she ended up being late for class. 

Yes, this was a typical bad day. She got up stuffed her books into her bag and ran for the door. She wore her shoes, locked the door, and ran hoping class hadn't yet started. This was her routine almost every day. Finally, she reached school. When she entered the school premises she felt funny, she felt strange, she felt as If the school atmosphere had completely changed. As she walked down the hallway she felt excitement in everyone rising, she didn't know why.

"why is everyone so excited?" Alev thought to herself. She entered the classroom and took her seat. As the bell rang the teacher came in. She made an announcement, "Children as you know we will be having our first-ever trip on Sunday". 

"Oh, that's what everyone was excited about," Alev thought. Then one boy asked, "Ma'am where are we going?" 

But before the teacher could reply the whole class started discussing where they would be going. Some said we'll go to the park, some said we'll go to the mall and one person said we'll go to Africa.

 But before any more weird theories could come up the class head tasked them to quiet down and the teacher replied "We will be going to the British museum".  

That's when Alev's life started to get interesting. Little did she know that waiting for her at the museum wasn't just boring artifacts and heirlooms but a thing that could impact her future by either making it or breaking it.

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