Safe Harbor

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After we found out that the yacht hadn't actually made it back to the mainland with Tiff like I had thought. All of us had woken up bright and early on this particular foggy morning, it caused me to wonder if the island always had this fog problem...

I know I haven't been here for as long as everyone else but this was the first morning where I saw fog. It was brisk and the water was choppy, everyone except for Ben and I had swimsuits on as we slowly but carefully walked down on the rocks in which the yacht was near as Sammy explained to us.

Bumpy bellowed from the shore, considering that she couldn't swim nor come with us until we hopefully could get the yacht back to the dock, she had to stay on land. The campers and I in our bare feet scaled down the rocks, "Stay sharp." Darius said.

"For all we know, Tiff is still in there." He added. "If she is, she'll have to go through me first." I commented. And so, after we all swam to the yacht at relatively the same speed, Ben being the fastest, but still I was the first to step on the boat.

I snuck around the yacht as everyone else did, I was searching around to see Tiff was still aboard, which she didn't appear to be, the yacht was too destroyed for her to have survived, I knelt down on the ground to try and identify the claw marks on the wood, I wiped my finger along the deck, measuring the length and of the claw marks.

But, I was unsure what dinosaur made them. I stood up, "No Tiff!" I announced, 'Hopefully no dinosaurs either....' I thought to myself. "No sign of anyone." Ben said.

"Or anything." Brooklynn added to his thought. "Looks like Tiff had some unwanted visitors." She said, noticing the claw marks as I did. "So, we've got a boat. We just can't use the boat." Ben said from the wheel. "I could go check to see if we have any extra gas containers downstairs." I said, "We always kept some in case of emergencies." I explained.

"It wouldn't hurt to look." Darius replied, giving me the approval I needed to go down the steps, walking down the hallway, passing all the cabins and making my way down to the hull of the yacht. I walked over to a gas container, I shook it, and it was halfway full, meaning it would only be a temporary fix.

It had taken at least two containers of gas just for us to get to Nublar. As I walked through the bottom of the boat the phone that we had installed on the wall had fallen to the floor, the wall was all scratched up in the same way the yacht was and the wires were severed off by claws, it was really too bad, it was probably the last time the campers would be around a phone that could've helped them.

"We have gas, just—Not enough of it." I said as I walked back up the steps with the red container of gasoline in my hands. "Half a gallon, half a tank." I added as Kenji was hysterically laughing for whatever reason. "I'm gonna head back to shore." Ben said. "Bumpy and I will meet you at the dock." Ben exited the yacht by jumping back in the water.

"Guess the only question is, who's driving the boat?" Yasmina asked. "I have little sailing experience.." I pointed out in case they expected me to control the boat. "You mean, who's dad had a yacht club membership and just found a killer hat?" Kenji butted in, placing a captain's hat that he found on his head. "Where did you get that?" I asked him, I've never seen that hat before in my life.

"Captain Kenji, at your service." Kenji said, ignoring my question. It was decided, Kenji would drive the boat, we would only make it back to the dock, but it was still better than being in the middle of the ocean.
Kenji got the boat started, the little amount of leftover gas in the tank plus the half of gallon that I had found made it start.

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