Nothing like Nublar

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(Not a Camp Cretaceous ep)

As I stepped up the stairs, emerging from the depths of the yacht, the warm Caribbean breeze fills my lungs. It was mostly hot and humid wherever we went and I was forced to wear khaki pants and long sleeved button down shirts, the view and the water made up for the weather. Hap was sailing the ship and I could see him from the deck. Hap always looked mean but he wasn't really, he was just doing his job and apart of that was being tough looking.

I waved to Hap from the deck and he looked down and smiled, he rarely smiles, but if I'm around and no one else is, he'll flash a grin my way. I took a deep breath in, everything was going to be okay. I leaned over the side of the deck and watched the ocean move as we did. We were almost at Isla Nublar, I was glad I didn't get seasick because this yacht has been our home for months. I walked around the yacht, sitting on one of the loungers and reading a book about fossils, as much as I hated wearing them, our safari hats provided good shade.

The horn of the yacht honked as we stopped, pulling up into the dock of Isla Nublar. I closed my book. "Oh, isn't this beautiful, Mitch?" Tiff asked Mitch as she put her hand on his chest and lifted her leg up. "Not as beautiful as you." Mitch replied as they kissed. I rolled my eyes at the sight of them being all lovey dovey, I stood up from the lounger and quickly went down the steps to put my book back in my room, I don't think I'll need it when we were on the island.

Before I left my room, I checked myself out in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable for my parents and I grabbed my own machete, it would help cut down vines and leaves and perhaps slay some dinosaurs. I walked up the stairs once again, standing near the back of the yacht that served as a entrance and an exit, I was waiting for Tiff and Mitch. Hap was ready before we even made it to Nublar, he had attached a machete with a black cover to his pants as he stood by my side, waiting for Tiff and Mitch as well. "Good morning, Hap." I greeted, looking over to him.

"Morning, kid." He replied, reaching his hands out towards me to fix my hat that might've been too big for my head. "Let's all be careful." He said, switching his tone to be rather cold as Tiff and Mitch came beside us. "We don't know what lurks in this territory." Hap added, narrowing his eyes and looking off into the distance. "Hopefully some dinos." Mitch brightly said. "That'd be better then those snow leopards." Mitch added, referring to our trip to Asia where they hunted down and scoped out leopards, I would reluctantly go with them, and I'd be the one having to skin the leopard for a rug.

One by one, we stepped off the yacht onto the concrete of the dock, slowly walking and entering the green forest with tall trees and dirt trails. "We should find a place to camp," Tiff stated. "It'd be safer to stay on the yacht." Hap disagreed to Tiff's idea as a roar of some sort happened in the distance. "That would be the case if we didn't have you, Hap!" She replied to him with a smile. "You can protect us if a dinosaur decides to attack." She added.

"You and Mitch can go get the tents and supplies out of the yacht once we find the perfect spot." Tiff said, Hap nodded in agreement, no point of going back and forth to the yacht, it'd take too much time and energy. I pondered about Isla Nublar as we walked, this placed had been evacuated and it certainly looked it, the ground was covered slightly in debris, pages from magazines and tour guides, and a few pieces of cardboard around. The grass appeared to be overgrown and the sand paths were worn out, in need of fresh sand, but I don't know what I expected.

"Keep your head up, Courtney." Mitch said to me, I must've looked down as I was thinking about Nublar. "Sorry, sir." I said, lifting my head up.
I never called them Mom or Dad, they didn't deserve that title. "This seems like a good place." Tiff said as we stopped in a patch of greenery without trees. Tiff clapped her hands and looked at Mitch and Hap, that was their signal to go get the supplies from the yacht. Tiff adjusted her pink ribbon around her neck.

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