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———————Monroe Sinclair: The Tragic End To America's Golden Childby Bethany Robins ————————

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Monroe Sinclair: The Tragic End To America's Golden Child
by Bethany Robins

The fall of America's sweetheart was a tale that no one saw coming.

Monroe Sinclair went from the girl everyone wished they could be to the girl shamed by millions around the world. She seemingly had it all; the looks, the personality, the money & the talent. But the picture perfect life Sinclair put on soon came crumbling down when at the age of 16 her father tragically passed away. He was her rock and when he passed so did the world around her.

Sinclair quickly fell into the life of drugs, alcohol, and sex; the tabloids eating it up as the good girl had gone wild. She had been in the spotlight since she was seven years old, starring in the hit drama "The Best Years" alongside Harry Styles (who as everyone knows today as the biggest star in Hollywood). The two met as children and grew up together under the flashing lights and cameras following their every move. When asked in a recent interview what Harry thought about the tragic downfall of his costar his answer was rather simple... "No comment, there will never be a comment when it comes to her."

There had been rumors surrounding the pair since they were quite young, everyone assuming they would end up together. But yet no one really knows. Just like how no one knows what went down behind the closed doors of the set that won over 13 Emmy Awards in a span of eleven years. To this day when talked about it's always the same answer, "A special time that only they could ever understand."

It has been denied that Sinclair's sudden departure from the show was the reason it stopped, but everyone had their suspicions. The show was at its prime, the most watched and talked about series the network had in years but Sinclair's tragic ending had millions asking the same question. How can you continue the show when the character the audience grew to love the most is gone?

Find out more in this exclusive coverage as I dive deep into the life of America's golden child gone wrong. It's one hell of a ride, so follow along as we take a look at what all went wrong for Sinclair... or maybe... see who failed her.


Monroe Sinclair

The sun was beating down on my skin as I sat in the lounge chair on the back patio, my music humming softly through my ears as I turned the pages of the magazine woven between my fingers. It was my favorite time in the morning, the 11:30 UV helping aid the tan I've been working on for the past few weeks. The warm breeze sent a chill down my spine as the slight sunburn left on my shoulders shuddered at the sudden force of wind.

My eyes stopped to stare at the words in bold written across the top of the page as my heart began to break.

"Remembering Davis Harper"

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