Chapter 34 - A Burrow on Fire

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Easter holidays. Finally, a break.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Don't worry, (Y/n). You've asked your dad, right?"

"Yeah. He said it was okay."

"Then what are you worried about!"

"It's just.. oh, I don't know! I've never been to the Weasley's Burrow."

"Relax! Our parents are fine with it." Ginny reassured, giving you a slight hug from the side.

"Besides, Fred and George want you there. They've been asking about you ever since."

You giggled at the thought of their presence, boarding onto the train.

"Mione is on prefect duty. Let's sit with the boys?"



"Come on, Harry! Tell!" You pouted, looking at his unreadable expression.

"Well.. I think.. I think Draco isn't the only Death Eater."

You gulped at the sentence and waited for him to go on.

"(Y/n).. I think your dad is, too."

You dramatically faked a gasp, clasping a hand over your chest.

"No way.. I'm sure he's not." You replied.

"Yeah, Harry. I'm sure you're overthinking." Luckily, Ginny's words persuaded the stubborn boy, and he let the matter go.

"Not so sure about Malfoy, though.."

But before you could reply, you heard distinct voices as you boarded off the train.



You squealed, running up to the two red heads.

The two embraced you in their arms, bringing you into a tight hug.

This lasted for a while.

"I missed you two idiots!" You exclaimed, finally pulling away.

"Same here, Snake." Fred said, ruffling your hair.

"Hey! I spent all morning styling that!" You retorted, giving him a tiny punch on his elbow, too short to reach his forearm.

"Love you too, shortie."

The three of you broke into laughter once more, Harry, Ron, and Ginny finally catching up.

"Thank you again for having me, Mrs. Weasley."

"Anytime, dear." She responded with a smile.


"So, how are things with you and Malfoy?"

It was nearly the first week of staying at the Burrow.

"Things.. ended, I guess."

The last time you two spoke was after Slughorn's party in Snape's office.

After you hit him with the statement, his face was pure shock. He didn't react further or utter anything else.

"No arguments? Case closed. I'm not saving you two anytime soon." You said.

And since then, you didn't explain anything to Draco, and neither did Snape. The boy was left there with unsolved questioned which couldn't be solved.

"Thought about my offer yet?" Fred questioned, giving you a playful smirk.

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