End 2 (Pt1) - Watching Above

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[Ending 2! Downright Ending]

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He put down the pen and sighed.

"Finally.. it's done." He whispered.

In his isolated, cold little room, he leaned back into his chair to face the ceiling, though looking through the window.

"I wonder how you're doing right now.." He muttered, smiling to the sky.

"It's been years since I last saw you. You're not causing any trouble up there, are you?"

He stared at the sky once more, giving out a weak sigh.

He fell back to the desk and looked at the book placed in front of him.

"Daughter of Dark and Evil"
written by Draco Malfoy
A story based on (Y/n) Riddle

He read the silver printing carefully, slowly running his fingers over each letter.

Tears began to fall as the boy broke down.

"(Y/n).. I hope you're living happily in a better place.." He cried.


"(Y/n)! Look at this!"

"Hm?" The girl turned around to see the familiar face of the boy come dashing towards her at lightning speed.

"What is it, Cedric?" She asked, seeing the boy.

"Look." Cedric said, using his magic as a hologram showing in front of the two, perfectly carassed in his hands.

'Draco Malfoy publishes his book based on his past lover'

(Y/n) carefully read the words displayed.

"Daily Prophet?" She questioned.

Cedric nodded.

"It's been a few years since he last saw you.. do you think..?"

"That the book is about me?" (Y/n) finished his sentence.

Cedric waited for an answer as (Y/n) took her time dozing off.

"Hello? (Y/n)?"

No response.

"(Y/n)!" He yelled.

"Huh? What?" She asked, finally being brought back to reality.

"You miss him, don't you." Cedric stated, staring (Y/n) in her pale, lifeless eyes.

"So what if I do? It doesn't change the fact that we're dead." She sighed, flapping her angel wings.

"It doesn't change the fact you love him, though." He replied.

(Y/n) looked Cedric in the eyes as he smiled at her, waiting for a response.

She nodded hesitantly and avoided eye contact, knowing she was talking to his ex right this moment.

"(Y/n), he loves you. Sure, I do too. But I can see he treats you better. Are you willing to go?"

The girl looked at the brunette once more.

His eyes glistened, almost as if he were no longer lifeless.

"It's only one trigger word to go back (Y/n)." He said, feeling the urge the girl had.

She took a heavy breath inwards.

"I'll think about it.." She said, knowing the risk she's taking as an angel.


(Y/n) sat on the clouds, staring afar, watching the small people move around on the ground.

She sighed, knowing that one of them could possibly be Draco Malfoy.

"(Y/n), you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said, watching the red head sit next to her.

"Do you miss him from time to time?" He asked, getting comfy on the cloud and staring down with her.

"Who, George?"

"No, Draco." Fred replied, shifting his gaze towards the girl.

(Y/n)'s wings flickered, revealing a hint of emotion.

Fred smiled at the sight and gave a weak sigh.

"You know, I miss George a lot." He said.

"Same." (Y/n) replied.

"I've been down there before (Y/n), it hits differently."

"You don't understand Freddie.. I'm only an angel."

"Mastering your abilities will take time (Y/n). But right now, he needs you the most." Fred replied.

(Y/n) looked down once more, wings moving the slightest hint.

"If you want to go.. go. I'm sure Cedric told you before."

"I'll think about it."


(Y/n) met up with Fred and Cedric the next day.

The two looked at her, giving each other a knowing smile.

"So?" Cedric asked.

"Thought about it yet?" Fred continued.

(Y/n) gave a tiny sigh, and smiled at the two of them.

"I'm not even sure if I'll know how to come back.."

"You'll be fine, (Y/n)." Fred said, pulling the girl into a hug.

"Now now, she's my friend too you know?" Cedric joked, gently pushing Fred away to give her a hug.

"She should be saving her hugs for Draco." Fred laughed along.

(Y/n) smiled at the two and pulled away.

"I'll come back for you two." She whispered.

"I'll wait. Take care (Y/n)."

"Same. Best of luck."

"Earth." She said, channeling her magic.

A beam of light surrounded her as everything started falling blurry.

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[] Daughter of Dark and Evil [] Draco x Reader []Where stories live. Discover now