Chapter 11 - Riddle Reunion

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It's winter break!

You excitingly packed your stuff and dashed around your dorm.

"(Y/n), calm down!" Hermione laughed.

"You don't understand Mione! I'm going back home to see my father in what seems to be forever!" You yelped, jumping upwards, cheering.

"Then you better get to the station then." She said, zipping your suitcase for you. She was staying at Hogwarts.

"I'll see you in a week or so, love." You hugged her goodbye.


You left the Gryffindor common room, carrying your suitcase.

You arrived at Snape's office.

You knocked on the door, waiting for your dad to open up for you.

"(Y/n), come in." He said, as he closed the door behind your back.

He took a hold of your suitcase and gave you a hug.

"Ready, (y/n)?" He pulled away.

You nodded and your heart started beating in an inhuman pace. You were nervous. Very nervous.


And with that the two of you left his office.


You knelt down on the floor, feeling a bit dizzy.

"(Y/n)." Snape helped you up and seemed concerned.


The room was dark. You looked at the doorway in front of you.

You gulped, suddenly scared of seeing Voldemort after 3 years.

Snape gave you a supporting smile and knocked on the door.

"Severus. I sensed your presence. Did you bring her?" The doors slowly opened, revealing a tall shadow of him.

"Yes, my lord. She is here." Snape replied, getting down on one knee.

Voldemort turned around, locking eyes with you.

"M-My lord.." shivers went down your spine.

His gaze softened, and a smile appeared on his grey face.

"(Y/n).. how have you been, daughter?" He asked, gesturing for you to get closer.

Snape got up and encouraged you to head forwards.

"F-Father.." You stuttered, still not believing what you were seeing.

Voldemort opened his arms and gave you a smile. You were his one weakness.

You rushed towards him and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you (y/n)." He said, stroking your hair.

Snape was standing afar, admiring the sweet reunion.

After some time, Voldemort, Snape and you sat down on the couches.

"So (y/n), how is life in Hogwarts?" He asked you.

"Harry Potter and his friends have earned my trust already." You said, feeling bad because you truly enjoy being their friends.

"And Draco Malfoy?"

You stopped for a bit, eyeing him.

"(Y/n) and Draco have a very complicated relationship my lord.." Snape helped you answered.

"Very well. (Y/n), anything else?" He asked.

You faltered wether to tell him about Cedric or not.

"Father.. I.."

He raised an eyebrow, looking at you.

"I have a boyfriend." You said, avoiding eye contact.

Snape and Voldemort looked at you astonished.

"And who might that be.." Voldemort squinted his eyes and started speaking.

"Cedric.. Cedric Diggory."

"The Huffleboy boy?" Snape asked.

You swallowed, nodding cautiously.

"Very well. I'll make a note to try not to kill him."

You eyes lit up, you stared at Voldemort in shock and awe.

"Now let's talk a bit about the Malfoys, shall we?"

"Sure." You replied, not really caring.

"I would like you to be friends with Draco. When the time is right, we will reveal to them that you are a Riddle."

You bobbed your head as you carefully listened.


"Yes, (y/n)?"

"I don't think Draco really likes me-"

"My lord, last time Draco seemed to be crying in my class." Snape added.

"Oh? Any idea why?" Voldemort questioned.

"No father."

"Very well, if I have to, I will speak to him myself."

"Don't hurt him please." You quickly said, afraid of the consequences if Draco stayed silent.

"I'll.. make another note to try not to kill him." He said, clearly a bit annoyed.

"Thank you, father." You smiled. He smiled back willingly.


"Stupefy!" You pointed your wand at Voldemort.

"Protego!" He yelled, putting his wand in front of himself.

A shield appeared and blocked your spell.

"Is that all you learnt at Hogwarts-?" He asked, a bit unsatisfied.

"To be fair, she's been failing potions." Snape said.

"Ah. Like father like daughter." Voldemort smirked.

"Expelliarmus!" You quickly knocked Voldemort's wand out of his hand.

"Catching me off guard, ay?" He teased.

"Nice work (y/n)."

"Thank you father."

"My lord, I don't quite understand the use of this?" Snape declared.

"To see how much she's learnt with you for the past 3 years Severus."

"Dad's been teaching me a lot, father. If I may?" You lifted up your wand.

"Go ahead." Voldemort said, kneeling down to pick up his wand.

"Sectumsepra." You yelled, once again aiming your wand.

"H-How did you.."

"In a way, you've been my dad for 3 years. I know more than you think." You giggled at Snape's surprised look.

"Very impressive indeed.."

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A/N : I can't think of a cliffhanger

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