Gettin' Louder Now

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Kim Rok Soo was happy.

He had his sun.

The only hard part was the assasin butler and the family dinner.

Which Rok Soo didn't mind because mostly he remembered was Cale feeding him like usual.

He was still hungry though when Cale dragged him away.

Then Cale said something in Korean which made hin stop complaining.

They fell asleep tired.

When they woke up it was 2 am.

Cale was going to fufill his promise.

Cale guided them outside the room.

To another room

The kitchen

Cale's promise was to make him food

He hadn't had his suns food in years.

Cale got a cookie jar out and set it on the counter.

Cale then went to get the rest of the supplies.

Rok Soo sat on the counter and ate cookies waiting.

His records playing of when he used to do this with Cale in their past world.

Cale always making cookies.

So that whenever he cooked Rok Soo would never get to hungry

Rok Soo made macroons for cale to munch on when he cooked...

Rok Soo next plan was to make maroons right now wait for Cale.

Rok Soo hoped nobody walked in.

How would they explain why they would be their

Cale the spoiled trash young master cooking?

For a man he had "known" for like 9 weeks(yes I forgot my time span)

Cale came back with the ingredients.

His eyes lit up at the familiar scene of Rok Soo.

Cale went over and Kissed his Cookie Crumbed Lips

"Hey! Im eatin cookies here!"

Cale laughed and quickly went to make food.

Rok Soo grumbled but was Pink.

He wasn't used to this anymore.

And he could tell Cale wasn't either....

He always blushed to the back of his neck...hah!

Cale made Korean type foods.

(Idk any foods its 12:07 sue me Rice balls? Idk)

Rok Soo happily ate them up

Cale grabbed himself a plate.

But watched Rok Soo eat first.

It was thier thing they did

When each other cooked

They would always watch the others reactions of their cooking before eating their own food.

Like they wouldn't be satisfied with just the other telling them its good.

They had to watch!

Cale quickly finished his food as Well as Rok Soo did.

Rok Soo kissed Cale's lips

"Thanks for the food Sun!"

"Any Time Moon Mi Amor"

Cale then quickly put the food away...threw it away.

Then left with Rok Soo.

What they didn't know was that Hans was watching...

OMG His Young Master Cale and the man were dating...what was the strange food they were eating?

Hans knew he should tell Deruth.

But he didn't

He didn't want to break the others happines and peace.

He never saw the young master so bright so cheerful so happy.

Although Rok Soo and Cale didn't notice it as it was normal thing in their memories for it.

But Cale was humming.

Hans wouldn't let their harmony break.

Beacrox also was spying...he was intrigued but decided to say nothing even to his father. He only wanted to know about the food

Cale and Rok Soo stuffed full also quickly went asleep! Once again in each others arms

After of course giving each other a good night kiss!

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