Let it stay this Way

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Deruth was worried his eldest son brought in an unknown man.

Who Only Han's has seen awake.

Ron has only seen him fainted.

Deruth has never been this worried before.

But he has good reason

Cale hasn't gone out of his part of the house sense he brought the man and hasn't let anyone but Han's into his room.

Deruth is worried

Violan then suggested that He should Order Cale to Bring the man for lunch.

Deruth agreed and Called Han's over to tell Cale


Ron has never been more upset

After Ron left the man lying in Cale's bed and Cale told him to get out.

Ron could hear them talk but not make up what they said.

But after that Cale never let him in his room.

Only Han's.

What did that Man say to the Puppy Young Master

That made him push away him who had raised him sense he was a baby


Meanwhile With Cale and Rok Soo.

They have been catching up on each other's life.

Rok Soo begged for Cale to explain his life first

While Cale was explaining Rok Soo realized that His name was Like the character from his book

Then Cale said Henituse County

And thats when Rok Soo knew

"You Reincarnated into my book series?!"


"I read a book series called birth of a hero and one of the minor villains was called Cale Henituse Trash of the Count Family"

"Oh that is literally me...."

The both just stared at each other like Oh shit.

Rok Soo then explained to him the premise of the five books in the series

"Wait Ron's an Assassin...I knew something was up with him"

"And Beacrox is a torture expert"

"Beacrox is a what?!"

"A Torture expert"

"Well Fuck Now I am scared of all the times I said I hated his food.."

"Well now that I am here you have to eat"


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