Holding My Breath

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Kim Rok Soo was finishing reading book 5 of a series he is reading.

He then closed it.
And Placed it with the rest of the completed books.

He then took something from his desk.

It was a ring.

His Sun's Ring.

His Husband's Cale Ring.

Rok Soo held it close and fell asleep.

He felt something cold...but comforting

It covered him

He opened his eyes

He was lying in an alleyway.

Their was a man with white hair.

He smiled and bent down

"The World Has Called for an Eclipse my Child"

As the man said this

He put his hands over his eyes

And Rok Soo fell asleep.


Cale has always thought of himself as a Henituse.

That is until 13.

When he remembered his past as Kim Cale.

Now He was a Kim.

He became a trash to protect his new siblings but also to be free.

To be free means he is able to do his Husband's dream

His dear moon has a dream
To be a slacker.

Cale laughed when he first heard it.

But now all he wishes is to be a slacker with his husband.

To be with his husband.

Cale just finished being trash.

He walks into a alleyway to rest.

But froze.

Their was a person lying against the wall.

The person was Korean.

But thats not all

"Rok Soo?"

The man looked exactly like Rok Soo but older.

But it can't be.

As Cale grew closer.

An Item on the man's hand caught the light.

Cale moved to it.

Cale gasped.

It was Rok Soo's Wedding ring.

Cale designed it himself

A Moon with Stars with books and a Bed intricatly on it it was Black

It was a design made entirely for Rok Soo

The Man really was Rok Soo.

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