01 | Cassie & "The Guys"

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Cassie groaned, annoyed by her mothers sudden yelling which had woken her up, "I'm up!" She shouted back, her voice groggy as she cleared her throat to rid it of the tiredness.

It took a few moments but after a few silent seconds of sleepily rocking back and forth on the edge of her bed, and another one of her mothers shouts, she was up and heading towards the bathroom.

She rinsed off her face, frowned when looking at her reflection in the mirror. She hates the way she looks; Creamy skin, small petite frame, big blue doe eyes, and plump lips with high cheek bones. While to others her appearance would be more than deserving of the word beautiful she preferred to consider her look as "innocent" and hated that term more than anything.

The only thing she liked was her hair, although her natural hair consisted of long blonde curls, she has since dyed her hair a dark brown and straightens it whenever possible. "Looks like it's time to re-dye my hair again.." she mumbled, feeling at the dirty blonde roots she could clearly see growing in.

She sighed as she stopped her fiddling and headed towards her closet and picking out a baggy white top with the word 'REBEL' written in small font across the right side of her shirt where her breast was. She pulled out a pair of black cargo pants, matching them with white converse before pulling on a black beanie with white 'X's stitched around the brim.

"Morning." she greeted, hopping down each step of their small two story home. She received a greeting from both her parents as she came and sat down, immediately getting a plate placed in front of her as she did so.

She thanked her mother with a smile before getting to work on her plate. Moments later she heard a car pulling in front of their home, "See you!" She shouted to her mother who was in the kitchen, pecking her fathers cheek before running towards the door, licking away the last of her breakfast from her face. Her mom laughed as she shouted a goodbye, pleasantly amused by her daughter's antics.

Cassie grabbed her bag, throwing on a leather jacket as she reached the door. She made her way to the shiny black Porsche she had become more than accustomed to being driven around in, rolling her eyes at the guys cheeky grins.

"The guys" she was referring to were her best friends who are all brothers and pretty much occupy every leading role in the pack , Alpha Damon, Beta Will, Gamma Jace (he's also co-head warrior), and Head warrior Ryder.

The youngest of the four was Will who is twenty years old, he has shaggy brown hair that always seemed to be messy even after being brushed, tan skin, and sparkling blue eyes. Will was the funniest of them all, the kind of person to crack an unexpected joke during a serious situation, he's clueless at times and extremely clumsy but still a great beta nonetheless.

The middle children are Ryder and Jace, their twins and are twenty-two years old. Despite being twins they couldn't be anymore different from one another; Ryder's impulsive, good at reading situations, and very affectionate towards his lovers while Jace was more of the quiet type. Jace hardly shows any emotions, is the most serious of the four, and is the best fighter out of all four of them. They both have black hair and hazel eyes but Jace's hair is shaved into a buzz cut.

Finally, the oldest of the four, Damon. Damon is twenty-four years old, he has long raven black hair (with shaved sides) that he keeps in a low messy bun, tan skin, and blue eyes. Like Ryder, Damon is extremely good at reading situations and is considered the smartest of the four as well as extremely protective of those he cares for (though that last fact goes for all the other three brothers as well).

They were considered the "bad/most popular" guys at their school and if they weren't in leading roles they'd probably even be considered as the male sluts of the pack, they pretty much slept with anyone who made a move on them.

They're extremely fit but not just because their werewolves but because their werewolves of alpha decent, wolves with alpha blood mature faster than regular wolves and their hormones are enhanced meaning they grow stronger, faster, taller, and bigger than one else, same goes for their wolves.

They're blood line isn't the only thing keeping them fit, they also start training at five in the morning, ending around ten unless they plan on attending school. You might be thinking, why are they attending school when they're adults? Well it's simple, they wanted to keep an eye on the older teen population by continuing to attend high school.

They liked seeing how they were developing and making sure they didn't get into any trouble or accidentally expose the entire supernatural world's existence. This year would be their last year doing this though since they needed to start focusing on their roles in the pack full time.

Cassie on the other hand was very much so still in high school, she's a senior and is seventeen turning eighteen in just a couple of days. She had been both nervous and excited for this birthday since this is the age that she-wolves are mature enough to receive their wolves and as a result sense their mates.

As Cassie got close to the car she could see Damon and Ryder in the front; She groaned at the sight, knowing it meant she would be lapping up in the back. Will opened the back door with a smirk that she promptly ignored as she climbed over him and onto Jaces lap, deciding that Will was far too touchy for her to sit on. His love language is touch.

Will frowned as he shut the door, Cassie noticed his frown and rolled her eyes before ruffling the top of his head, further messing up his already messy hair. He chuckled at her antics, putting his fist out for her to bump as she stopped her letting before relaxing into his seat.

Cassie and The guys (minus Jace who pretty much just sat on his phone the whole time) chatted comfortably the whole way to school, deciding to meet up at a nearby skate park at six before pulling up to the large school.

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