4/ It's for the money, Kayla !

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Kayla Preston

Day Two

I almost forgot where I was when I woke up. I wanted to believe it was the absence of birds chirping at my windows and the sunlight pouring through my window and on my face. I wanted to . But no. It was because my nightdress was soaking wet and an angry looking lady stood at my bedside. I was beyond furious.  How dare she !

"You're late !" She exclaimed, yanking the duvet off my body ," the chef is waiting for you and I'd be lying if I said he wasn't pissed."

Oh my God! I remembered where I was!

"Who are you ?" I asked annoying as I strode to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and watched her look through my close, deftly taking off the wet dress that clung to my body like a second skin.

"Your new friend, Camille. Get ready fast. I won't be waking you up everyday ." she muttered, walking up to me. I rinsed my mouth quickly and threw my uniform on the bed. She hovered around me.

"You're Anna right, the new help." She uttered. I spun to glare at her. She had a mop of black curly hair on her head . She had a small button nose and thin lips on olive skin. She gave an aura of friendliness yet seriousness.

"Was that a question or a statement ?" I asked, stopping my movement to watch her. She creased her brows and perched her hand on her waist.

"Have lunch with me today. I'd introduce you to everyone that works here. " she offered and I couldn't help but smile. I so badly wanted to touch her hair.

"You're really pretty." She chuckled and I smiled. As if remembering where she was here eyes lit up . "But this is not the time, Anna ! Good luck dealing with Sebastians wrath !" She waved before running out of the room. Quite a character.

I really need to get used to the new name , Anna McCoy and make sure I  don't slip.

I took my bath and dressed quickly, not forgetting to put on my ring, the only prized possession I had left. I locked the room and scurried out, passing busy workers by the way through the now familiar corridor to the kitchen.

Luckily Sebastian was nowhere to be found but Brent's breakfast was later on the kitchen counter. Pancakes with syrup and a glass of coffee . And a note.

You're late! Send this once you get here. And come back straight after. Vite!

I sighed and grabbed the try . How did he manage to scold me when he wasn't even around ! I groaned as I climbed the staircase which was getting frustratingly difficult by the second. I knocked on Brent's door thrice, waiting for a few seconds as I heard his deep voice before the doors pulled open.

I inhaled his sweet and manly scent and the beautiful interior of his room. I pursued my lips as I scanned his shelf of books again. I'm definitely taking one of these books one day.

Brent was standing in front if his mirror, frustratingly suffering with his tie. I watched him for a few seconds, knowing he was aware of my presence. My geaet was pounding in my chest as I walked closer to him with some new found courage. He towered over me and I could feel his breath fanning his face as I grabbed the tie from his hands. Before I could begin, his hands swiftly captured mine as he peered at me intently, yanking my hand off smoothly.

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