Chapter 3

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The three of us teleported to just outside the grand gates of our castle. Huge golden bars stood between the court and the rest of Yggdrasil. Or at least that's what it should have been. This new place gave off a strange vibe. I didn't know if this was still Yggdrasil or how it could be anything but.

A man's head lay on the ground, his body standing momentarily, then falling to the ground. The Guardian of the Gate prepared to swing his axe at the new people before Zephyrr called out to him.

"Wait wait wait!" he threw his hands in the air, "W-What was the command? Stop! Uh...Freeze!"

The guardian stopped in place, his limbs folding back upright, waiting for his next command.

The remaining men shuttered in fear, backing away from us. One woman stood strong, seemingly unfazed by the death of her ally. "I am the Cardinal of Fire, sent from the Slane Theocracy," she got on both knees and put her head to the ground.

The other men behind her, still shaking, fell on their knees.

"My name is Berenice Nagua Santini, what are your names heavenly beings?"

'Heavenly beings? What is she talking about? Yeah, we look like angels but we're really just players.' Is she not going to talk about her party member that just died?!

"What do you mean?" I began, "We're just players like y-" Agnar quickly interrupted me.

"My name is Agnar. My companions' names are Zephyrr and Orion. State your business here"

Zephyrr and I looked at each other. Was he playing along with their game?

"Of course," she began, "My kingdom and I became aware of a new place emerging in our territory. We sent people to survey the area and eventually found your castle. We were weary of your presence, henceforth the reaction of my companion." Her eyes glanced back at the headless corpse. "But we now realize who you are."

The three of us towered over every person here, our shadows almost entirely covering all of their bodies. We were definitely a higher level than them, their gear did not look that impressive. But they were taking this whole thing oddly seriously.

'Wait.' I stared at the lifeless body. 'Why is the body still there? He should have disappeared like they always do.' Looking around me, we were definitely not in Yggdrasil. Or at least, not where our base used to be in Yggdrasil.

There are people here bowing in front of us, and that body is still there. Nothing this serious could be called "roleplay." Besides, no one would be pulling a prank on the #1 guild in Yggdrasil.

Too much was happening in the few minutes that passed. The three of us were for some reason logged into the game, while the rest of the guildmates were not there. I started to recall a foggy memory of the game shutting down, but the new arrivals seemed to be expecting something from us.

"Now that you've introduced yourselves," Agnar begun, "Leave us. The beings you see before you have unfinished business to attend to. We will meet with your leaders 3 days from now, until then, get out of our sight." Agnar turned away, beginning to walk back into the court of the castle leaving everyone behind him stunned. His huge shoulders didn't seem to lose size as he walked away. A strange feeling of what seemed like pride over-shadowed me. I wasn't usually a proud or ignorant person outside of the game, but something about now was different. I felt superior to these people. I knew I was better in terms of skill and items, but it almost felt like they were pitiful before me. I pushed the thought aside and focused.

The arrivals seemed confused, but decided it safer to leave before anything dangerous happened. "I'm sorry? I understand you're busy but, when the gods descended previousl-"

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