Chapter 1

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Giant black doors lead to the throne of death.

My father sat upon the throne, leaning his skull on his hand. The Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown sat on the throne. The sound of my footsteps filled the room, with that gaze unrelenting. The one I knew as my mother stood at his side, clutching that weapon of destruction. Each flag of the previous Supreme beings still hung above the hall, always kept neat and tidy.

As I reached the throne, where others may take a knee, I was welcomed into my father's arms. "Adhara my dear!" he declared. I lept into the black robes that covered his interior. Any previous tension dissipated, and only comfort remained.

"It's good to be back in the Tomb." I turned to my mother, Albedo, and granted her a smile. Her arms opened and I embraced her for a moment before bowing my head and raising my dress. My mother wore her classic white dress adorned with a golden web covering her. White horns laid on each side of her head, where dark purple hair grew. Two black wings extended from her waist. She was unbelievably beautiful, especially to the humans who would dare attempt a romance.

The one I called father had no skin. No muscles or veins to call his own. Though his lifeless eyes contained no natural sight, I sought his gaze of approval. I sought the smile on my father's face that could not physically exist, but I knew it was there.  His black robe covered much of his body, while a deep red orb sat inside his bones.

Taking after my mother, I had her facial features but no horns or wings. My skin was almost transparent, but my eyes did not quite match my mother's. Instead, they reflected the hollow sockets that my father had, not quite empty, but black. My hair was the color of my father's entire body, and my silky black dress resembled his robes. Of course, as the daughter of a King, I wore the crown given to me by my mother on my most recent birthday, my 19th one.

"Excuse my interruption father but I figured I should report our findings in the Slane Theocracy," I cleared my throat. "A giant structure has appeared in the Slane Theocracy, a castle of some kind. Demiurge has been keeping constant watch through his subordinates on the  Slane Theocracy and they certainly did not construct this. It seemingly appeared out of nowhere." I finished. I expected praise for my findings but instead, I was given a look of concern.

My mother seemed confused, but the same could not be said for my father.

"A castle appearing seemingly into thin air? I know of magic that allows the caster to produce structures, but an entire castle?" Any confusion in his voice suddenly disappeared, he knew his role as the leader of Nazarick. "I want to know more about this castle. Send the Hanzos to gather more information about it. Do not engage with anything living inside of it. Albedo, raise the security level of Nazarick. Adhara, gather the rest of the guardians on the 6th floor except for Victim and Gargantua. Bring Renner and her pet as well."

His words reminded me of the past. My mother taught me as much about my father as possible. He declared the same thing when his kingdom was first brought out of the marshlands and into the Re-Estize kingdom. But now, I would be a part of history.

I left the throne room contacting each guardian and delivering my father's orders. Homunculus maids walked by and I waved, always being friendly to each member of Nazarick. Technically, I was above the guardians and maids in Nazarick, but I always treated them as friends. Except for one maid, her name being Tuare. Still a part of Nazarick, but different. She was human, saved by Sebas which made my blood boil.

Humans did not belong.

Though I suppose I was a bit strange as well. Born of a succubus and skeleton.

I opened a gate in the black walls of our tomb and walked through. Surrounding me was the familiar 6th-floor colosseum. Soon the guardians would meet here once again. I was following in my father's footsteps.

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