Chapter 2

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His voice transformed into a resolute and unwavering tone. "Only one group could possibly have celestial beings guarding its gates. I suppose It's time I reveal more information about the Supreme Beings to you all."

An eerie silence engulfed us.

"While the 41 all-powerful Supreme Beings are indeed formidable, there were other groups that challenged us in the past. One of them, a guild named 'Seraphim,' was even mightier than us, but that was many years ago. I had assumed they were alongside my companions, but it appears that I was mistaken."

There was silence from the shock.

Out of nowhere, my voice boomed with conviction. "Leave it to me; I'll handle them."

"Don't act recklessly," Demiurge interjected. "Lord Ainz has just given us fresh intel that we have yet to analyze. Our top priority should be to fortify our defenses, and then dispatch scouts to understand the situation."

Demiurge had begun to think immediately as expected of him. Father had just brought us stunning and new information, and all I could do was offer my help.

Expecting a response, everyone turned their heads toward me. 

I needed to offer something to this operation. We were presented with a new enemy that might object to the idea of my father ruling. Especially considering they guarded themselves with angels. They would be against the idea of an undead having power. Their name "Seraphim" said it all. But these people were not actually "angelic" or "holy." They were filthy frauds hiding behind their power.

"Let me be a part of the scouts that observe these beings."

Of course, it would be foolish to recklessly charge into uncharted territory against a force that rivaled the power of the Supreme Beings. However, I was determined to prove myself. My father was willing to grant me my wishes, but his apprehension about my safety was obvious.

"We cannot send low-level scouts as we have been. They may be easily captured and defeated. That is why I must be the one to go. Besides, I was just recently scouting  with Demiurge and his minions."

Now that my request had been given, there was silence. But there was something that I had not considered.

"It seems that none of you considered peace. This is the first time we've seen anything like this happen. I will not start a conflict that gains me nothing. Though, they seem to be within the borders of the Slane Theocracy. That may be a problem, but consider all your options before acting."

A wave of anger passed through me, but I forced out, "Yes Father."

"Excuse me Lord Ainz, I don't mean to speak out of place but, what else can you tell us about these people? Like how did they get here, and why?" Shalltear questioned.

Everyone mumbled in agreement. The whole situation happened extremely quickly, and we wanted answers.

He heaved a sigh and then began, "I do not know hey they have entered this world. In fact, I do not know how the Great Tomb arrived here either. What I do know is they should be treated as friends before becoming our enemies, and I will not have any objections." He finished with, "I will send Demiurge and Adhara to represent Nazarick. You will leave in two days. That will give our new friends a chance to settle in."

"Yes Lord Ainz," we said in synchronization. Though we were still curious, it didn't seem like now was a time to pry.

He disappeared from the Colosseum. Everyone began to fulfill their duties in defense. Shalltear left to the first 3 floors, Cocytus left to the fifth floor, leaving only Demiurge, Renner, her pet, and I. Demiurge and I did not have much to discuss, but I had not felt like speaking anyway. Eventually, I was the last one in the colosseum, besides the twins who left to patrol. Everyone left with questions, but Father had rushed this meeting. Something must have been bothering him.

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