Just Who Are You?

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10 years later, present time

It was a beautiful Monday morning. The birds were chirping, students chatting as they walk to school and the beautiful sakura trees in bloom. It was truly a peaceful and beautiful sight.

A certain bluenette was walking to his new school, Rakuzan High school. He had a novel in hand and was reading.

He turns into the school and pass the gates. No one noticed him as he passes by.

Outside the gate, kind of far from the entrance, a fancy limo pulled up. Out came a red head with his bag. He didn't want any attention from others. When his driver closed the door, he began to walk and his driver drove away.

"Join the baseball club!"

"Hey you! You like to read books right? Come join the book club!"

" The Soccer club needs members! "

"Want to join the 'basketball' club? Our school's basketball team is one of the best in Japan! "

'Basketball?' the bluenette looked up from his novel. He stood there for a while pondering.

'Basketball huh? It's been a while since I've played. I'm not good, I'll probably drag the team down... But I have to choose a club though. Hm..... I'll think about this later then.' the bluenette made his decision and continued walking to the building.

Right behind him the red head from earlier, walked up to the table for the basketball team sign ups.

"Excuse me, I'd like to join the basketball club." He asked.

"Okay, here's the sign up sheet. Please list your name, the school you're from and why you want to join the basketball club." The so called someone, who was probably the coach said.

His sign up sheet read:

Name: Akashi Seijuro

Previous school: Teiko middle school

Why do you want to join the basketball club?

To strive the team to victory.

'What... Akashi.. Seijuro!? The captain of the generation of miracles!? Thank goodness he joined Rakuzan. Now our team would be complete.'

" Ah, thank you very much Akashi-san. We look foward to having you on our team. Practice after school tomorrow, don't be late." the coach said.

"Of course." and with that, he left.

Meanwhile inside the building

"Excuse me miss, but this is my locker." the bluenette said.

"Hm- Ah!! Since when you were there!?" The girl shrieked, this caught everyone's attention.

"I've been here the whole time miss." The bluenette calm said.

"O-oh... My bad, I'm sorry." the girl looked down.

"No miss, it's okay." the bluenette smiled.

The girl looked up and blushed, "I'll go move now." and left with her stuff.

Everyone then continued their own business and the bluenette walked to his home room, B-1.

The red head was too late and missed all the commotion. He went to his locker and went to his home room.


The bluenette's entered the classroom and looked at the seating chart. He sat the the back near the window.

' Not only in the back, but near the window too? I like my seat.' He smiled and sat down, continuing his novel.

Not too later, others began coming in and got to their seat, and started chatting.

The red head came in and it was quiet. All the girls in their groups were fangirling over how handsome he was.

He took a look at the seating chart and then went right to his desk. His desk was one from the back the back and by the window. So in short, it was in front of the bluenette.

When he took a seat and placed one hand on his cheek and the other on the desk. Then, he turned to look out the window.

Behind him, the bluenette noticed someone in front of him. He looked up and was going to say, "hello" but stopped when he was about to say it.

His eyes widened, 'E-eh... Sei-kun? No way, it can't be him... Or is it..?'

He just ignored his presence because he was unsure of who it was and continued reading.

Later on the bell rang and the teacher came in. The teacher said to come up to the front of the class, following from who goes up. So like, if they start from the left side, front row; they continue till they reach the back, last person on the right. Also, they go up when it's their turn, so the teacher says nothing.

One by one, they go up, introduce themselves and go back to their seat.

Sooner or later it was the red head's turn. The bluenette payed the most attention to him.

The red head stood up and walked to the front. Everyone was staring and thinking how cool he looked, and other things.

"My name is Akashi Seijuro. It's a pleasure to meet you." Akashi said and went back to his seat.

His suspicions were true. His eyes were wide and was in shock. He couldn't believe that he finally got to see him again.
But, was it a good thing, or a bad thing?

The bluenette kept quiet and waited till it was his turn.

He walked up towards the front of class, and the people around him were giving confused stares at the back of the class.

"Hm... Um, Akashi-san. Was there anyone behind you when you entered? " the teacher asked.

"Not that I know of miss." Akashi replied.
"I guess they're absent then.. Ok ne-"she was cut off by a voice.

"Excuse me miss. I'm here." He was in front of the teacher and raised his hand a little.

Not only the teacher, everyone was speechless and if on cue, all of them yelled, " Since when was you here!!" (well, except for Akashi. He just stared at him full of thought)

"I've been here the whole time miss." He said with a blank expression.

"Ever since?! Even when we started?!" The teacher was freaking out.

"Yes miss, the whole time." He said.

"O-oh... My bad, I'm sorry. Can you introduce yourself please? "

"Yes miss," he turned towards the class and said, "My name is Kuroko Tetsuya desu. Nice to meet you. "

He walked back to his seat and out of the corner of his eye. He could've sworn, he saw Akashi staring at him.

He sat down and Akashi turned his head to look at him. It was silent, he just stared...

"Hello Sei-kun." He decided to break the silence, because it was too awkward.

"Why are you calling me by my first name? And yet a nickname as well?" He stared into Kuroko's eyes.

"Ah, I'm sorry Akashi-kun. " He said with a bit of disappointment. "Do you remember me?"
Akashi stared and finally spoked.
"Who are you?"

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