Starlight Glimmer and Princess Twilight 1

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(Side note: This part of the story is in real life but I put it in here for entertainment purposes)

*Everyone waiting by the portal*
*Ice Dream is sitting on top of the portal playing headbandz online with Sunset, Sirena and Pinkie*
*Rarity is braiding Fluttershy's hair while she  is playing with Angel*
*Rainbow Dash is playing catch with AJ*
*Sci-Twi is sitting near the portal texting Timber*

AwesomenessDash: Where are they??? Me and AJ have been at this for hours!!!

FashionIdol: It's not like Princess Twilight or Starlight to have this much of a delay.

GamerDemon: Maybe I'll reach out and see what's holding them up. *Grabs journal and starts writing*

Sunset writing: Dear Princess Twilight,
We've been waiting for you and Starlight for hours, is there some sorta delay??? Just asking.

Your friend,
Sunset Shimmer

Princess Twilight writing back: Dear Sunset,
We've been kinda held up and we're still trying to pack everything. We should be there in less than an hour.

Your friend,
Princess Twilight

GamerDemon: Princess Twilight just said that they've been held up and will be here in less than an hour!!!

IceyCold: Ugghhh!! What are we gonna do until then!!!! I can't bare to play this mother ******* game anymore!!!

PinkiePartyPie: Yeah, it's getting kinda boring.

SongTail: That's surprising coming from you, Pinkie.

PinkiePartyPie: Ehh What can I say, I get bored of these things too.

*Less than hour later*

AwesomenessDash: I'm starting to think they're not-

*Princess Twilight and Starlight Glimmer come shooting through the portal*

Princess Twilight: ****!!!!! NOW MY STUFF'S EVERYWHERE!!!!

*Icey, Sirena, Sunset and Rainbow Dash chuckling*

Princess Twilight: What's so funny???

AwesomenessDash: *Laughing* YOU!!!

*Icey, Sirena, Sunset, Rainbow Dash and now Pinkie loudly laughing*

GamerDemon: *Laughing* Wow Twilight!!! I've never heard you curse like that before!!!!!

IceyCold: *Laughing* It was so ******* hilarious!!!!!

SongTail: *Laughing* And the way she and Starlight just launched through the portal!!!

PinkiePartyPie: *Laughing* I know!!!

Princess Twilight: ALRIGHT!!!! I GET IT, I'M FUNNY!!!!

*Everyone stops laughing*

StarGlim: I'll help you pick up your things.

Princess Twilight: Thanks.

*Princess Twilight gets up and brushes herself off*

GamerDemon: Ummm, where's Spike???

Princess Twilight: He had some duties he had to tend to in Canterlot, he couldn't make it this time.

GamerDemon: Oh.

IceyCold: Wanna head to my place now???

Princess Twilight: Yeah, let's go before my bag weighs me down again and I face plant.

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