Finding Myself again

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Chapter 4 finding myself again

That Monday morning I find myself stsring at my phone waiting to hear from Nathan til my phone alarm went of I jump in a cold shower thinking the oldness will cool me down as I got out into my new walk in closet i slip on a Victoria Secret red thong with a matching bra grab some short and Nathans shirt brush my teeth and eyeliner then I'm done obvious with some vans sneakers as I'm busy making coffee for myself I see my mom is shocked saying "wow Avrillin u are up early" I just smiled and said no particular reason and she give me one of those smiles knowing full aware why
I picked up Sammy who can't stop talking about how great I was drop vee of at school as we walked in school everyone acted like my friend I saw the video of me playing about 100 times before break time everyone was like groopies both guys and girls and I was feeling overwhelmed again by it all so I went to the fire exit surprise to find shun there he hand me a smoke and stayed "wow so the rumor were true I know u are good but didn't expect u to be this good " I check the video again paying close attention so glad the cameras didn't catch my tears he just smiles at me and stood up helping me to my feet asking if he will see me at practice a bit confused I ask what practice he he hands me a piece of paper saying band practice before I could answere him he smiles and say I play piano BTW I made myself to the cafsteria paid for some food and join Sammy and her friends they all have a bunch of question abt how I got so good at playing why I'm so confident and so on someone tap me on my shoulder and the entire cafeteria was silent it was the principle a women in her late 20s with tall blond hair a figure to die for a tight skirt and business suit for women she have long red nails all she said was follow me I did as I was told.
While she sits on her office chair she pointed to a chair I must sit in saying she is very very impressed with my musical skills and by the look of it she isn't impressed easily it kinda looked like she smiled at me which kinda look weird I assume she doesn't smile much she asked me if I take any music sources when I stated the class name she let's out a laugh saying "my young child those are for beginners I'm gonna move u to advance guitar lessons even true u are way behind I'm pretty sure u will pick up before the semesters over" meanwhile in 2 weeks is the summer June July holiday after our talk she showed me which 8 new classes i have starting from today saying my first day I can just look around what everyone does I return to my classes the day went by as normal for someone like me people still giving me unwanted attention but between classes I have zero time my lunch breaks I spend catching up on a few classes I got the work cuz it overlaps with one another my last class of the day is lyrical writing or song writing as I walk into the class took my seat next to this girl with red hair glasses she seems quite nerdy wearing an anime shirt but she was build like a model and those blue eyes she introduced herself as Raven or Ray for short I smiled and introduced myself when the teacher is our principal I was shocked she look around paring us in groups of 2 saying before summer break me must write her one country song I was paired up with raven and she dismissed us me and Raven talked a bit before heading out our Principle Miss Karen handed me 12 text books quoting everything u need to know is in there on my way to my car raven ran after me grab my phone from my back pocket as she unlocked my phone my wallpaper is a picture of me and Nathan laying in my bed she was surprise punched in her number and call herself so she have my number.
Before she go I kinda beg her not to tell everyone what she just witness with a smile and a wink she said don't worry ur secret save with me I wanted to say we are just friends but that picture tells otherwise when I arrived at the Jeep Sammy was already waiting for me so we do our usual stop pick up my sister drop her and Sammy home then I'm of to work when I got to work the manager was same as school impressed by my skills as a musician after work its abt 3pm when I was just on the corner before our house a message from shun "Band tryouts at the gym @5 see u there" idk somehow I decided to go gotta check out if my school have talent or not they handed me a piece of paper what they wanted me to play it was a metal song I did perform it on a normal guitar after it took me 5 min to memorize when I looked up after playing the band and most of the other people also auditioning started clapping hands I kinds just stranded there in shyness they all stated I'll receive a message via SMS if I made it to the final auditions on Friday by the time I got home it was past 7 already I just fell in the door and drag myself to the living room my mom already ate and vee was in bed already .
My mom comes down in her PJs and look at sitting next to me I explained to her abt the long day I had she stares me in my eyes mine matching hers saying "Andy whould be so proud of u" I immediately burst out in tesrs looking at her asking her if she's sure she pulls out her phone and show me a message from before he died
"My beloved mother I know this is late but my sister avril is the best guitarist alive can u maybe talk to her so she can think about rejoining the band"
After i read it I kinda felt relieved then angry asking my mom why she never told me abt it she stated she wasn't going to forced me into it it was my decision I past out there and magically woke up in my bed like I was a kid again here my mom humm to music again.
The next 2 weeks was the longest weeks of my life between school work and home I am basically back at were I was having no social life me and raven staying up late working on our songs one day before its due we handed it in band final audition was on Saturday night so after I locked up the shop and drove to the school this time I can play what I want I blayed black sunset best famous song Death of a friend also the last song by brother wrote years started dripping down my eyes halfway through and unlike before shun notice after I was done I went outside for a smoke break when I got back to the gym they all looked at me like I was in the wrong place and everyone yelled welcome to Black Moon I was thrilled also knowing more pressure to my plate
As I went home I saw my mom was happy I thought to myself she doesn't know the news yet when she saw my face she knew I got it saying "honey I have a surprise for u but its gotta wait til tomorrow go rest up" I drag myself upstairs fell on my bed when I hear an ouch I scream its Nathan.
My mom came rushing upstair saying u 2 kids behave now and close the door behind us I just fell asleep in his arms his familiar smell and hairspray.

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