Getting the band back together

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Chapter 3 Getting the band back together

As soon as I got home from work I was waiting for Nathan to walk in though the door sitting on the sofa he arrived late after 6pm the moment he walk in the door I ran to him hug him and just savior his smell and finally we broke the hug he greeted everyone handed my mom flowers yes flowers Nathan is a gentlemen he will never show up empty handed he gives my lil sister a box of chocolate and by this I'm wondering if he got me anything he gave me a box a small blue one as I open it its a necklace I look at surprise at him cuz its a silver necklace with a pendant that have a guitar pick in the middle he just take it and as he put it on he tells me that guitar pick is the first one I used from our first live show together I kinda turn around to hug him but instead our eyes met directly and all of the sudden I'm stating into this beautiful brown eyes and luckily my mom broke this cuz I wanted to kiss him just there she handed us both a beer and look and me with a wink the one saying I trust u but behave saying there's more in the fridge don't overdo it. As we went by talking and catching up I was sleepy so I told him wanna head to my room he looks surprise we have shared a bed before just friends sleeping nothing more but it was different this time and we both knew it before stepping inside my room.
As we lay down I kinda lay in his arm with his hand intertwine with mine since its Saturday and I don't work nor have school we slept til noon. By the time we woke up from the noise downstairs I made us some coffee and vee was busy watching anime my mom was in the kitchen Nathan ask her " miss can avril come to our consert tonight I'll make sure she is safe and she will have backstage tickets and first row tickets" my mom just look at me while I'm busy making my puppy dog eyes she looks away and say "yes just take care of my delinquine" name my mom use to calm me if she's trying to make a joke . Nathan got me and Sammy backstage passes as I went up to meeting with everyone i introduce Sammy to the new leadsinger and the rest of the band we shared some jokes and memories and obviously a few tequila shots when the show was abt to start I hugged Nathan and he whisper in my ear I got a surprise for u in that flirty playfully tone he always use but saying its gotta wait after the show the show went by pretty great one song I knew they always finished with and all of the sudden the lead singer calls me up to the stage and in front of millions of people le look at me saying will I do him the honor of playing with him
My hear raised I was getting nervous as all eyes are on me and a microphone pointing at my direction everyone waiting for my answers I just nod and he says give us 5 min we will be back for the show of a lifetime they handed me a electric guitar and as and ask me an I ready I took a deep breath we all walked on stage I plug it in as we play the song my brother wrote his last song while I played tears come crashing downward but this was tears of joy of happiness we did two more songs that I was very familiar with by the time it was over I sat backstage throw myself another 2 shots of tequila and drank them Sammy came it short after and scream our ears off saying I was some kind of legend and everyone love me as Nathan came in asking me if I can sign a few CDs I did it without hesitation an hour went by and the band joined us we all stand together cuz Sammy wanted a few photos of us the lead singer Tom asked me if I'll ever do it again if they are this side I just look at him making a joke saying I don't do stuff for free and next thing I know he hands me money the more I insist I don't want it he just smile and say out there was the best performance of his life so I gladly took the money and counted it and I'm like its $10k he says well u are worth that and even more.
As they all went for the after party Nathan said he is going to take me home he will see them sunday.
We drop Sammy at her house as I open the front door I'm still pumping with adriniline my mom scream from the living room saying she saw our entire performance live on YouTube I was red embarrest and shy as my mom pointed out I'm a bit out of practice eventually after we all cooled down I sat down still kinda shaking from excitement and nervousness I've never performed in such big crowed in my entire life my mom handed us all a beer and after downing it my nerves was back to normal Nathan handed me a box a small red one it was another necklace but this one was special a daisy and engraved on the back is my brothers fav quotes and Nathan put a message there for me Near or far I'm just one phone called away my little daisy by reading this I started blushing and he puts it around my neck with my other one as we all just hung out I soon start myself feeling this attraction toward him by the time we got to bed I was a bit tipsy so instead of sleeping I turned around and started kissing him he kissed me back then flip me around him on top of me his hands making it to my ribs his one leg in between my thighs other one on the side of the bed as we started kissing me made it to my neck I was craving him , his eyes looking at me fill with lust I wrap my legs around him pulling of his shirt and as we started kissing again his tongue invading every inc of my mouth he pulls away with confusing I ask him is something wrong he looks at me saying he won't take advantage of me and he doesn't sleep with a girl that he isn't dating with that said I kinda notice his 4 pack his tatoos and we just lay in bed cuddling when I woke up the next morning with what feels like the worst hungover I had in a while he was gone I rush downstairs only to find him making us all breakfast I came behind him pinching his ass and the way he jump was just funny he greeted me with coffee and a kiss on my forehead as soon as we had breakfast a few hours went by of everyone just laughing at Nathan jokes then soon after he had to leave we kinda hug for which feels like second after the hug I couldn't help myself I just kiss him which happens to be a passioned his it lasted for so long we took a breath a I just lay my head on his shoulder grabbing his shirt as I wishper can I have it and look at him with my puppydog eyes he gently removed his bags and his shirt saying I should stop the puppy dog eyes its making him weak I just smiled kiss him on his cheek and went inside as I grab his shirt in my hand smelling it laying against the door basically I state up at my mom and she wink at me and say just friend I just nod and say for now yes

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