Chapter 3- Get a Tattoo

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Chapter 3- Get a tattoo

A month past and she's only gotten two things done on her list. She figured today is a good day to do the next. The next thing on her list is get a tattoo. She wanted to be prepared when she got there, so she figured out were she wanted it, and what she wanted it to be.

She wanted it on the back of her shoulder, and she wanted it to be a cross skull.

Somehow she has talked Mark into getting a tattoo.. And he was gonna get the same thing, a cross skull. In that same spot too.

Mark came to pick her up in his red jeep.

When they got to the tattoo place, they noticed that all the people there looked big and mean.. Like biker guys, and they also had tattoos in places she thought tattoos couldn't be..

They walked to the counter, Mark was looking around nervously, he was probably scared of the huge guys. "Can I help you?" said the one in the black vest at the counter.

"Yeah, we both want cross skull's on the back of our shoulder."

"Ok." he said "Do you want the pink frilly one since your a girl?"

"No.." she pointed to a picture on the wall "I want that one.. And so does he." she shook mark to show that they were together.

"Ok then. Come with me." he took them to a room in the back.

There were two chairs in the middle of the room with fat guys sitting next to them, "Sit down." said they guy who brought them back there. She didn't want to sit down next to the scary looking fat guy, she walked over there slowly so it would be less time sitting next to him. Mark did the same, apparently he didn't want to sit by them either..

"Now. Before we start" said one of the fat guys "Are you sure you want a tattoo?"

"Y-Yes.." she said trembling.

He nodded, the he took out what looked like some cleaner and paper towels. He sprayed the paper towel and cleaned off where the tattoo was going to be. Then there became a buzzing sound, she looked over to see that the fat guy started up the pointy thing that would be putting the tattoo on. She gulped and sat back in her seat, as did Mark. Then both fat guys leaned in and at that moment the only thing they felt was the needle scraping the ink onto there skin painfully. And after about an hour (The tattoo they chose had a lot of detail..) it was done.

She touched it and flinched at the pain..

"Thanks!" they both said after they paid and were walking out the door.

When they got back to Ally's house, she invited him in for a coffee.

"The creamer on the top shelf in the fridge." Ally said when the pot of coffee was done.

Mark put a little creamer in his coffee and went to put it back, and then he noticed something on the fridge.. "What's this?" he said taking it off and bringing it over to the table.

"My.. my bucket list of things to do before I die.."

"And you've already completed three things? Why are you in such a rush to finish it?"

"I haven't been completely honest with you Mark.. I... I have cancer and... I've stopes responding to treatments.."

He looked like he was about to burst into tears. "Why didn't you tell me?" he sounded angry.

"Because, look at the one at the bottom.." she said.

He read it out loud "Get married.."

"I need you to complete it. That's why I didn't tell you.."

He seemed at a loss for words "Does this mean your going to... Die..?"

She started crying and he ran over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

He now knew she was going to die, and she needed him now more then she's ever needed anything before.

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