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Jadon 🤭


hello jadon :))

u don't have a shoot today do u?


but how do u know tho?

u mentioned which days u do and don't a while ago

oh u remembered?

bestie i remember everything

okay so whats my birthday 

april 19th yeah

whats mine??

march 25th

it was literaly last week im not going to forget


anyways do u wanna go get dinner??

yeah why not

k i'll be at urs in 30 minutes? 

is that okay?

u sure u don't want me to drive??

yeah i'll take u dw abt it

alr then cya

cya :))


she walks out of the entrance to see him leaning against his car on his phone

she gives him a little wave and runs a bit towards him as he brings her into a little hug

he walks her to the passenger seat and opens the door of the fancy mercedes for her, and sits back down in the drivers seat

"so, where we going?" Hana asks him

"theres this restauraunt i know you will love"

"ooh what kinda food?"

"its a surprise love" he laughs as she feels butterflies in her stomach at him calling her love

she knew they were only friends and that they'd called each other that plenty of times before but it still gave her butterflies every time just like it did the first time

they arrive at the restaraunt in the wealthier suburbs of Manchester

"i drove past here a couple times and i thought you'd like it"

she read the restaurant name

beity- palestinian kitchen

"no way, thank you so much J"

"come on, let's go inside" he smiles as they walk it

they walk inside and a waiter seats them on a small table in the restaraunt

the restaraunt was small but it was packed with people, it was decorated just like a small palestinian home, with tapestries on the wall and stained glass windows, and it smelt amazing, it made the girl feel like she was home

c'est la vie • jadon sanchoWhere stories live. Discover now