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bzzz bzzz

bzzz bzzz

hana wakes up to the sound of her phone vibrating

she peels her face away from her pillow and gets up to answer the call

the call was from 'khalto Nada'  Talia's mum

"alo khalto" Hana answers

"sbah el kher  Hana" [good morning]

"sbah el noor Khalto, why are you calling so early, it's 6AM"

"did you not find out what happened to Talia?"

"what? is she not in her room?"

that night Talia had slept like a baby after coming home from her date, so she suspected she just didn't hear Talia coming home

"no, she was going to tesco's last night, and Jacob came up to her and stabbed her" she says trying to keep her voice calm to not scare the girl


"i wish i was"

"is she good" Hana begins to panic

"hya kwaysa, don't worry, i just thought to tell you" [she's fine]

"khalto can you send me the hospital she's in, i wanna go see her"

"yeah of course, we'll see you"



'baby, i like your style'

Jadon gets off the treadmill as he sees the time hit 30

the boy wraps a towel around his head and walks over to his speaker and turns off the Drake music being played

as he walks out he suddenly hears the doorbell ringing 

he had heard it a minute ago but had just thought it was part of the song that was playing

he walks to the door and unlocks it


Jadon smiles as he sees one his best friends standing at his doorstep

he pulls his mate into a hug and lets him in

"what are you doing here in England, shouldn't you be in germany?"

"oh the Bundesliga doesn't restart till the end of the month, im really going to miss those long christmas holidays"

"what do you mean?"

c'est la vie • jadon sanchoWhere stories live. Discover now