Chapter 6 - Healing

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The next day went much as Gray Ears had promised. They'd been fed again, a hare this time, and they'd been given a checkup by the Healer known as Gunnar. They had also given Furless One a checkup, and made him swallow several strengthening herbs. He was being kept warm day and night, and Gunnar said it was possible he'd make it. For Cloud-eye Four and Pale Six, it was a stressful next few days. They mostly kept to themselves and didn't engage with the Deep Hollow members, even some of the curious ones who wanted to talk to them. They'd had to send Burlo away several times, with the young male never quite knowing when to stop prodding for questions.

Finally, after a few days of being looked after and hanging out in the central cave, Gray Ears herded them to one of the side caves. It was sparsely decorated, with only a crudely skinned deer pelt on the ground and a mossy nest in the corner, but Gray Ears told them it was her resting cave. The trio settled down on the pelt, and Gray Ears opened the conversation.

"You've been with us for over four days now," she started. "And I feel that by now I'm allowed to ask you some questions. It's up to you whether or not you answer them, but I feel I am at least entitled to some information about these strangers I've decided to help. You three have a story. Wolves looking this starved and weak don't just show up out of nowhere."

Cloud-eye Four looked at Pale Six. He blinked and looked away, so Cloud-eye Four decided to start. "Well, we're from down south," he started.

"I'd figured as much," Gray Ears said. "You didn't know what a bear is. There's no bears in the Southlands, or very few at least. Now, my first question is, what is your BirthPack? And what caused you two to end up like...well, this?" She glanced briefly at their ribs, which were still visible through their pelts. Though they had been fed well for several days now, it would take a long time before their bodies would truly fill out and the last signs of their prior starvation would fade.

Cloud-eye Four hesitated. He remembered the patrol who'd refused to help them once they'd found out that they were ex-slaves from the Army. If he were to tell Gray Ears about their origins, would she send them away? Even still-unconscious Furless One?

"Don't be afraid. I won't judge," Gray Ears said encouragingly.

Cloud-eye Four let out a brief exhale and started. "Me and my friends, we're from the Army. Or, were, I guess. We were slaves there, and we escaped."

Gray Ears' eyes widened. "I've heard rumors of this awful Army and their demon lord Leader. So it's true..." It wasn't a question, just a conclusion. And an awfully sad one at that.

"Yes," Cloud-eye Four replied solemnly. "We were born as nameless slaves. We still don't have names, actually. What we call one another—Fur, Pale, Cloud—those are just parts of our designations. Mine is Cloud-eye Four, his is Pale Six, and Fur's is Furless One."

"You haven't any names? But that's awful!" Gray Ears seemed genuinely concerned, something which made Cloud-eye Four feel just the tiniest bit relieved. It didn't seem like she'd want to instantly send them away after this.

"Continue, continue," she then said swiftly.

Pale Six then spoke, his voice steady but not as brusque and flat as it had been before when speaking to their rescuer.

As they explained what happened, Gray Ears looked more and more horrified. Once the story was finished, there was a long silence.

"I see," Gray Ears finally said. "I'm so sorry about all of this you've been through. You're allowed to stay a while longer, until you've recovered more."

"We can't thank you enough." Pale Six bowed his head. Cloud-eye Four copied his movement.

"For now our top priority is getting Furless to become conscious again. I hope that keeping him warm and those strengthening herbs will do the trick."

Dark Stones Novella #2: Escape From the ArmyWhere stories live. Discover now