Chapter 2 - Bitter Work

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As the next few weeks passed, Runt Seventeen and the other pups lost their puppy coats, revealing their adult fur patterns and colors. Runt Seventeen had slowly gotten used to living with sight on only one side, and he'd been given a new, even crueler designation by the soldiers: Cloud-eye Four, after his now clouded-over right pupil.

His training continued. It included repeating daily mantras, obedience drilling, practicing sitting still and being quiet, and mundane duties like replacing bedding and cleaning out the latrine pits. But there was also the start of even more strenuous tasks.

Right now, Cloud-eye Four and Gray-and-Cream Twenty-Five were digging, making the start of what would be a new tunnel in the endless cave system the Army inhabited. It had only recently occurred to Cloud-eye Four that he'd never actually been outside before. He'd seen glimpses of the sky through some of the cave's air holes in the ceiling, but never felt the grass beneath his paws or truly seen what the outside world looked like.

"Work faster! And harder!" Gray-and-Cream Twenty-Five urged him on as they scooped up paws of dirt.

"It hurts," Cloud-eye Four mumbled under his breath, making sure not to let any of the guarding soldiers hear. "I can't believe we have to do this!"

"I can," Gray-and-Cream Twenty-Five said determinedly.

Cloud-eye Four rolled his eyes. Not this again.

"I'm going to work my way up," Gray-and-Cream Twenty-Five went on. "I'm going to be the first slave to make it to soldier status."

"Gray, no slave has ever managed to escape their role. Not without dying, at least," Cloud-eye Four grumbled at a low volume. "What makes you think they'll change their minds about you?" His paws ached as he continued to shovel gravel. One of his toe pads was starting to bleed, split open by a small sharp rock. He winced, but continued nonetheless, biting on his lower lip to stomach the pain.

"Maybe not others, but I will," Gray-and-Cream Twenty-Five said brusquely stirring up some earth.

Cloud-eye Four blinked the dirt which landed his blind eye.

A familiar face limped into the tunnel. It was Black-and-White Twelve, who now had lost her pale-and-dark pup coat and truly did live up to her name. Her disabled leg hadn't fully healed and bowed outwards awkwardly. It was clear that every step was hurting her from her glazed-over gaze and her stiff gait.

"Ah," said one of the soldiers overseeing them, "it has been a while since you showed up, Twelve. You're lucky we allowed you a little bit of rest from your chores. Now dig."

At the last word, he planted one of his huge front paws on the top of her head and pushed her roughly into the ground. Black-and-White Twelve let out a yelp as she collapsed onto her broken leg. She rose again, spitting dirt out of her mouth, and started to score into the earth using her good front paw. She had to sit up on her haunches in order to do so, and held out her bad leg to make sure it didn't suffer any more.

"Good to have you back," Gray-and-Cream Twenty-Five whispered toBlack-and-White Twelve.

"She should just have killed me," Black-and-White Twelve said bitterly as she pushed aside a slightly larger rock. She sounded weak, and humiliated.

"They never do that unless they feel the need to," Cloud-eye Four grumbled. "Your father was right, Black-and-White–this is all wrong."

"Totally wrong." A new voice was added into the mix as Pale Six and Furless One approached.

Pale Six had an expression of contempt on his face. "Cloud-eye, Gray-and-Cream, Black-and-White...I'm done with this," he announced, his voice cold as ice.

Dark Stones Novella #2: Escape From the ArmyWhere stories live. Discover now