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Emlyn Camden

Wilhelm told me that he had known Emlyn since he was five. Emlyn had been his tutor, the one who taught him to ride, to fight, to lead etc...., everything that a man needed to know. He had been raised at Soilly Castle, which sat in the foothills of the Pillar Mountain range. He said that Camden was a very tricky man, vain and blunt. Emlyn's mother resented him, the failed son. But upon my uncle's ascension, she angled herself into Wilhelm's mother's household, serving as her Mistress of Robes. She gained so much power, her son could teach the heir, and also have a fast track to power.

"I suppose a smart idea is to set up a meeting with him," I said. "At least then I can work out what to do."

Wilhelm nodded. "What are we doing tomorrow?"

'Well, tomorrow is the 6th of September, and we have to attend the Feast of Begga. Also, funeral preparations need to begin."

Begga was one of our patron saints, protecting our farmers and helping our crops to be fruitful.

"I'll be meeting with the Archbishop tomorrow, so I can ask him about the funeral."

Wilhelm rose from his seat and sat in the window seat. The rain had finally stopped, and the sunlight was pushing its way through the heavy dark clouds.

"But for now, do you want to go for a walk?" I smiled. "I mean, you have only seen the palace once and that was in the dark."

"Why not?"

We left and got some coats. I pinned my hat into my hair and pulled the veil over my face. This is what I hated about mourning, having to cover up and not show any emotions. It was bitterly cold, and I pulled my shawl tighter over my shoulders. We walked for a while, and then Wilhelm stopped abruptly.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"We aren't alone."

Wilhelm turned around and pointed at a shadow that moved quickly into the bushes. He signaled for me to follow him, and we crept towards the bush. Then he reached out and pulled someone out.

"Mr Camden." Said, Wilhelm, staring dead at Emlyn. "Why are you hiding in a bush?'

"Your Grace, what a pleasure to see you," he replied, smiling slyly. "And who is this little lady?"

My lips crumpled into a sneer. What a vile man. He laughed viciously at this and turned his attention back to Wilhelm.

"Got yourself a little lover, have you, Wilhelm?"

"No, you are incompetent. If you used that simple mind of yours, you'd know that was the late King's niece."

"Mr Camden, sir, please follow us," I said, trying to mask my fear with a stern tone.

We walked inside with Emlyn behind us. He was a disgusting man, as shallow and vile as Wilhelm had told me. As we walked through the doors back to the front hall, we were greeted by a guard.

"We have a guest for you," I smiled.

The guard led Camden away, and we headed to the drawing room where a maid was laying out some tea.

"Thank you, Delilah." I smiled.

She smiled and left in silence. Wilhelm collapsed in an armchair in front of the fire. He shut his eyes and rubbed his brow in frustration. I poured some tea and passed him a cup. He smiled and drank some.

"Well, he's an interesting character," I said, very sarcastically.

Wilhelm snorted and questioned what would happen next. I said that he would be interrogated and then tried in court if something comes forward.

"There could be a few reasons as to why he's here." He said. I looked at him, puzzled. "Either to see what sort of threat you are or an assassination attempt. However, an attempt takes months, planning, gathering information, and so on and so forth."

"You seem to know a lot on that topic." I was shocked. But I knew that he was right. Camden was a madman, determined to get what he wants. I was a woman in a man's world.

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