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My Biggest Triumph

What had I done?

I dropped the dagger, the fresh blood splashing across the tiles. He had deserved it after everything he had done. I just kept seeing the hideous smile that had played across his lips moments prior to his demise.

Earlier that evening...

Sighing deeply, I picked up the diamond earrings. In my reflection, the candlelight blazed in the diamonds. Tonight was the night.

When I was a very young child, my mother and father had been brutally murdered. They never found out who did it, but everyone was highly suspicious of the new King, George IV. He had been next in line to the throne after me but at the time I was only three - much too young to rule yet old enough to remember - so he had led the country for the last seventeen years.

Looking in the mirror, I reached up to touch my mother's locket around my neck. I was doing this for them, and nothing was going to stop me.

"Your Highness are you ready?" asked a voice behind me.

I jumped up in fear, but it was Rose. Rose was my lady's maid and closest confidante. She was the only person who knew what I knew.

"Yes, is my uncle ready?" I replied.

Rose nodded and we walked out of the room, my uncle was standing at the end of the corridor, facing away from me. He was staring intensely into the eyes of the painting of my grandmother.

"I never know why she looks so disapproving, do you, Alexandra?" He asked.

"I have not got the faintest idea, Uncle," I said. Of course, it's because you're such a disappointment, a murderer and a bully, I thought.

We walked in silence to the ballroom, and as we got closer, the atmosphere changed. He offered his hand, but I refused. The freezing air turned to warmth and joy, and I could hear the violins playing a waltz and the chatter of several hundred guests. We entered the ballroom and descended the stairs. Everyone curtseyed and bowed, smiling at us.

As we reached the bottom of the stairs, a tall man, his pale face framed by black curls, asked me for the first dance. Several dances later, I retreated to a chair near the doors to the gardens. I could see the moonlight shining over the lake outside. Such a beautiful night. Walking out to the terrace overlooking the lake, I saw the twinkling lights of the town on the far side and the palace's reflection framed by the sparkling stars.

I stepped back and slipped over on my train. But someone caught me.

"Are you all right, miss?" he asked.

"Yes, I am fine, thank you.''

He walked me into the ballroom, back to where I was sat earlier. As he led me back, I stared at him. His smooth, tanned skin was splattered with freckles, framed by a mess of golden curls, and his piercing blue eyes met with mine.

"May I have this dance with you?" He said, staring deep into my eyes.

I gasped and nodded, lost for words. His gaze shocked me; it was like he was a mind-reader. We walked to the dance floor and began dancing the Viennese waltz. As the music played and we moved across the floor, I caught my uncle's death stare as he walked past.

"Are you sure you are all right, miss, you seem sort of lost?" said my dance partner.

"I am fine, honestly, thank you."

As the music ended, he disappeared into the shadows. Refocusing, I saw my uncle walk out. Everyone was dancing or talking in the ballroom, so I left. The path was clear.

"Hello, uncle,' I uttered.

"Hello, Alexandra, how has your evening been?"

'It's been tedious, but it's all about to get better."

I placed my hand into my pocket and pulled out my dagger.

"Ready, uncle?" I breathed.

"Ready for what?" He questioned, he turned and saw the glint of the blade. "No, Alexandra, don't."

'Why not? Fair's fair, isn't it?

He snorted. "Well, like them, you are too simple - obedient, quiet and so easy to put in line."

That was enough. I plunged the dagger into him. A hideous smile danced across his lips as he fell to the ground.

Then it hit me, the magnitude of what I had done. I dropped the dagger, blood splashing across the path tiles. I stood there, trying to breathe evenly as panic grabbed my throat.

"Miss?" Said a voice behind me, trailing off as they saw the scene. "Is everything..."

I looked up slowly. It was him.

"Please say you didn't see all that."

He nodded slowly. I started to back away, muttering what sort of monster I was to do this. Then I broke down, falling to the floor in an undignified heap. He embraced me and I stifled my sobs in his chest. He led me to a bench far from the scene and comforted me for a little longer.

"Why did you do it?" He asked.

"Because my uncle was the one who killed my parents," I replied, between tears. "The madman who destroyed my family."

"No, that's why I was here tonight, to get my returns for an unpaid gentleman's agreement. But it seems you have already taken care of him." He said, smiling gently.

"My uncle? Who are you?"

"Yes, the Tyrant." He replied. "I am Wilhelm."

"Are you aware of what will happen next, Your Majesty?" He asked and nodded.

"Majesty... oh God." I gasped, I completely forgot. I was next in line. I killed my uncle and now I was Queen.

We went inside and began to dance. Then the air suddenly changed, as a piercing scream echoed through the room. Everything fell silent.

"The King is dead," hollered a male voice.

As gasps and shrieks sounded across the room, voices began to find me.

"Where's the princess?"

People moved aside as Wilhelm walked me forward to the front.

"Your Highness, you know what this means." He whispered into my ear.

He led us to my uncle's body, the blood glistening in the light. The Grand Crown Officer stood somberly with us, I kneeled and kissed my uncle's forehead, not wanting to raise any suspicion.

"I am sorry, Uncle," I whispered.

"You know what to do," said Wilhelm. "Go and tell them what they need to hear."

I took a deep breath and walked back to the ballroom. 

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