chapter 9 - truth

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third person POV

it was a school day and Arisa was currently in 2nd period, it was BM class and their teacher left them with some exercise for a meeting

that morning during assembly Fakhri,Ayam,Ikhsan and the high council was called except for Abang for a bullying case

Arisa sat with Amirr and Naim in a four seat table and she was writing the last bit of her work when Fakhri came to her table

" Arisa , aku nak cakap sikit dengan kau boleh ? "
he said looking at her with pleading eyes

" cakap la " she said as she had finished her work and putting her full attention on the boy

Fakhri sat beside her

" kau dengan Kahar ada apa apa ke ? " he asked

Arisa chuckled at the thought, they do look good together but she believes that he doesn't see her like that

" kau merepek apa ni Fakhri oii " she said

" uh kan korang rapat so aku just fikir- takde ape la " he said

he then continued
" kau tau kan Kahar tu macam mane ? "

" macam mane ape pulak kau ni ? " she asked him back

" nanti la aku cerita kat kau "


when class was over , Arisa followed Naim and Amirr to DM (dewan makan) for lunch

Amir was talking about a sitcom that we had watched at bilik rehat a while ago

Arisa's POV

i was laughing when i realised that Ikhsan was sitting alone

Fakhri then came up to him and started 'talking' with him

out of nowhere, Kahar went up to the two and he looked like as if he was threatening the two boys when suddenly Ikhsan stood up

" Dia bukan kawan aku pun la ! tak tau apa masalah dia !" he said before walking away from the two

Kahar looked confused and so was Fakhri

I made eye contact with Kahar before i looked away and joining back into the conversation that Amirr and Naim was having
third person POV

That night after prep, Arisa decided to go meet with Fakhri as he hasn't said the stuff he was gonna tell her and it was bothering her

Arisa was walking to the dorm when she bumped into Ariz

" sorry " she simply said before making her way past the boy

" laju nye.. nak pegi mana? " he asked with his flirty tone

" jumpa org " she said walking faster

when she reached their dormitory she saw that Ikhsan was... Packing?

she knocked on the door before entering the room

" Ikhsan.. kau nak pegi mana ? " she asked curiously

" uh.. aku pindah " he said

" aik? dah kenapa pulak?? "

" Kahar , high council, sekolah ni ..." he said

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