chapter 12 - cuti cuti malaysia

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the semester break was in two days and currently they're having a gotong royong around the school

Arisa was currently cleaning her class with the others when she took a step backwards and accidentally hitting Fakhri

" eh sorry sorry " the girl said apologising

" hm takpe " he answered a smile painted brightly on his face seeing the girl

the girl was about to go back to finish wiping the windows when Fakhri held her back

" uh Kahar ada cakap apa apa ke dengan kau?"

" ada je? asal? " the girl replied

" aku tak faham macam mana kau boleh rapat dengan mamat tu... kau sedar tak dia tu siapa ? " Fakhri said his tone raising

" dia kawan abang aku and plus dia dah mintak maaf dah pun dengan korang kan ? " she said

" sukati kau la Arisa " he said as he got out of the class

Amirr was watching everything that happened

" wtf ? " amirr said as he got closer to Arisa

his expression looks so confused

" dia yang tanya dia jugak yang marah " Arisa said rolling her eyes and immediately went back to wiping the window


it was Saturday and they were going back home for the break

Arisa was finishing packing her bags when someone knocked on the door

" masuk ! " Arisa said

Fahmi entered the door and closed it when he got in

" dah habis ke belum ? " he replied

" sikit lagi " Arisa said

" mane eh buku tu... " she said basically to herself

she looked up seeing the book was on the bed

Arisa stood up to fetch the book when her vision got blurry

she stood up too quickly and Fahmi noticed that

Fahmi immediately went to Arisa as she looks like she got fall at any moment

" bangun lagi laju laju " Fahmi said as he chuckled lightly at the girl

" dah makan ubat ke belum ? " he said as he put her down to look at his watch

" belum.. " she said as she got back to packing

" dah agak dah " he said as he took the medicine lined up on her bed that she hasn't packed

he took 3 pills and handed over to his little sister

she swallowed it with the the water she had on her nightstand

finally after waiting for 10 more minutes the girl has finally finished packing

" dik kau bawak gajah ke dalam bag ni Ya Allah " Fahmi complained as he brought the bag down the stairs

" bawak je la bising betul pakcik ni " she said as she walked quickly past Fahmi who was strugglibg to bring the back

when the reached the car Fahmj put all the bags in the back of the car

Arisa inmediately got in the car opening her phone

" oi pakcik ! masuk la lagi kau tecengak dekat sana buat apa ? " the girl said to her brother who was standing by the driver's door as if waiting for someone

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