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(This chapter is a bit shorter because it's filler)
"Repeat that for me, one more time, hun." Skyfire sighed.

Starscream sat on the shuttle's bed, wings downcast and a guilty look plastered on his face. "After the war I started to frag with Megatron on and off, then the war ended and Perceptor told me you and him were dating and so therefore while I was in a small knot with Wheeljack, I fragged Megatron to get over my feelings and then like next day fragged with you."

The shuttle released another loud huff of slight stress.


"I know I know. I'm an unfaithful bastard."

"No Starscream, you're damaging yourself."

The seeker paused, blinking a few times. What the fuck did Skyfire say?

The shuttle paused, realizing that was a bad way to put it. "I mean– you're making impulsive decisions to cope with your feelings, and it's only hurting you in the long run." Starscream whined softly, looking away from the shuttle. Skyfire sighed and walked to the bed, picking the seeker up easily, "Babe, listen. I'm not mad, I could never be mad at you. I'm just concerned for you. If that sparkling is mine, then that's fantastic, if it's not, and you'd still like me to be a sire figure, then I promise from the bottom of my spark, that I will be here for both of you."

Starscream hummed lowly, twitching his wings as he cuddled close into the other's hold.

"You're pathetically forgiving, Skyfire."

"I know."

"I am surprised you are alive."

"I know."

"You're gay."

"Everyone knows that."

Starscream purred and giggled lowly as he felt the shuttle sit down, holding the seeker close as he moved to lay down. Skyfire pulled blankets over them and held over where the smaller seeker's spark chamber was.


"Shsh, if you're carrying then i insist we start taking naps together."

Starscream rolled his optics, but closed them after, snuggling close to the other, thanking primus he had been blessed with the beauty that was Skyfire.


"So what're you calling it?"

Starscream didn't appreciate the question. Not because Thundercracker was bothering him, but because his sparkling was absolutely not an 'it'. He didn't correct his sibling though, just continued to walk back into the flight deck.

They had just finished a flight, him, Thundercracker, and Skywarp. A few Aerialbots had excitedly cheered them through some standard and easy tricks in the air from the side. But, the three of them grew bored and they moved on.

They walked in and had the optics of Novastorm and Sunstorm set on them for a short moment.

"Well, I've decided it's best to wait until the sparkling is born to have a set name."

"You're bad at making good decisions, so congratulations. You've made a good one. Now please, don't name your bitlet anything like how you named your digital pets." Thundercracker groaned.

Starscream scoffed, offended, "Are you still pressed about 'Coco Chanel Divalicious'?"

"YES. What was that?" Thundercracker asked. Starscream narrowed his optics, Thundercracker had no reason to be this pressed about one of his Neopets. Besides, it was a primus damned wonderful name. "Seriously, why? What in the world compelled you to name anything like that?"

"Well, TC, I'm very very sorry you cant respect how fucking genius I am. Coco Chanel Divalious was, and still is very important to me."

Thundercracker rolled his optics, "Whatever." He crossed his arms, "You know that was excessive."

"That's the point! I should be a famous scientist diva on Cybertron! I've gotta display that!"

"Well–" Skywarp interrupted their conversation, "To be fair, you were, for like, six months, then– y'know, the war." He took in a breath, "Now– excuse your alls arguing, I'm going to hang out with my girlfriend."

Thundercracker and Starscream stared at him.

"You don't have a girlfriend." Starscream muttered.

"Oh, my bad. I forgot we were so fucking obsessed with you and your drama Starscream. Yeah, I do have a girlfriend, as of recently. So, yeah. Gonna hang out with her." Skywarp said, before teleporting right next to where Novastorm and Sunstorm were talking.

Thundercracker looked at Starscream, "Know what? I best find something productive to do, so, I'll continue this argument later." He said before walking off, leaving Starscream there alone.

He blinked a few times, wings lowering slightly. Did neither trinemate want to interact with him? Whatever, that's fine. He could find something else to do.


"Someone Fucking Loved Me." Skyfire x StarscreamWhere stories live. Discover now