fluffy shorts with tsukasa

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So no motivation for making a chapter rn , BUT I DO NOT WANT THIS TO GO ON A HIATUS, so I guess here's some fluff shots of some pjsekai ships (can be romantic/platonic) also IAM a multi shipper so pls do not hate me :') also these are Tsukasa ships because my man is shippable to anyone

Mafuyu X Tsukasa (Both platonic and romantic)
Tsukasa and mafuyu were laying in bed, mafuyu was stressing out because today mafuyu accidently yelled at her mom, Tsukasa was cuddling mafuyu telling her sweet words to comfort her "Shhh...it's ok fuyu" Tsukasa said to mafuyu "....Hah... i-i can't breathe....why did I yell at her?...." Mafuyu said with her pupils now gone Tsukasa patted her head and told her to take deep breaths "It's not your fault mafuyu San..I'm sure your mom will understand all the stress you had to go through" Tsukasa said smiling at mafuyu, all mafuyu could do right now was just to nod at him and cuddle with him

Ena X Tsukasa (both Platonic and romantic)
"this will look so cute on me" Ena says while giggling "eh but those are too expensive...besides I think they'll look better on me!" Tsukasa says , Ena was holding a really pretty dress that both of them could totally pull off "Pfft, you'll look hilarious if you wore this" ena said jokingly "This boots will look good aswell " ena says "Hah! This heel's could totally pull this outfit off" Tsukasa says "No! This boots are perfect for this type of dress , Hmmph bet you don't even know what suits a dress " Ena said "I do!" Tsukasa said "alright then why don't ya try it on ?" Ena said teasingly but surprisingly Tsukasa grabbed the boots and dress and said "fine!" Tsukasa said, Ena was waiting outside of the changing room giggling by herself until Tsukasa came out...he looked good in it.

Kanade X tsukasa (platonic)
"Tsukasa kun...I thought your last performance was amazing so..I made this song based of you..." Kanade said while smiling "ooo sure lemme hear it" Tsukasa said ,after hearing it Tsukasa had a big smile on his face "Aww!! Kanadeee!!!" Tsukasa was very happy when he heard the song kanade made though it was short he knew she put effort in too it "what do you think...?" Kanade Askes " It's amazing!" Tsukasa said

Minori X Tsukasa (platonic)
"Waaahh! That's so cool!" Minori eyes sparkle as she saw tsukasa with his fans "Hah! Of course as usual my fans are the best" Tsukasa had a huge smirk on his face "Heh, BUT NOT AS GOOD AS ME " minori pulled out a picture with a bunch of her fans surrounding her "GASP " Tsukasa gasped sarcastically and laugh along with minori "heh we should do a collaboration sometime" minori said "agreed".

An X Tsukasa (platonic and romantic) don't hate on me but I wanted this to be romantic but half of the pjsekai community headcanon An as a lesbian so we're adding platonic in here
This is when they were first years , An didn't have the stars on her hair An was a really shy kid but there was this on kid she admire he wasn't the class clown no he was a theatre kid and he was confident, cool and so many things. One day she wanted to join theatre because she heard there was an upcoming show about insert favourite movie and when she joined she was welcomed with many unfamiliar faces and she was greeted by ....Tsukasa tenma himself ! "Hi! Are you new here?" The blond boy ask "Ah!..yeah i-i was wondering if I can join you guys ....b-but I want to only join for this show.." an said embarrassed "Oh! Of course! What role would you like to play?" Tsukasa ask " we have the MC , the MC bestfriend, the bully the blah blah " he continues and An already had a character she wanted to play as "C-can I play insert favourite character?" An ask "Ofcourse! " Tsukasa said as he give her her script " although since your new...I might have to privat train you a little bit , it that ok?" Tsukasa ask an "Y-yep " an said happily . After training An's voice Tsukasa was impressed...An can rap ?! "Your good at rapping I see" Tsukasa said while smiling "heh...I use to copy insert favourite character voice when I was a kid" an said . They were friends for a while and sometimes even hang out after lunch , on particular day however they were hanging out on the rooftop and out of nowhere Tsukasa asked an "can I play with your hair?" Tsukasa ask "Ah- uh....Sure" an said she was comfortable enough with Tsukasa to let him touch her hair, Tsukasa gently plays with her hair and adds some stars to her hair "Done! Do you like it?" Tsukasa ask holding a mirror to show an what she looks like "eh...why the stars?" An asks "your hair reminds me of the galaxy and I had some leftover star pins from last rehearsal, I thought it might look good on you" Tsukasa said . After that she kept it .

Alright that's all folks and now you may wonder "wheres Ruikasa??? Well I thought we might even out that Ruikasa obsession with some other ships, and now you also may think "why are all the ships straight??" Well all the Tsukasa X male ships are popular enough and I wanted to include some of my rarepairs , so yeah :)
Ps : update from me, uhh so I updated this at 23:22 in my dark room and I forgot to mention all of these are meant to be taken non seriously-

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