(3)Can I be your partner?

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Hey y'all authors note:
I don't really like the title of this story I mean it sounds cringe af so if you have time can y'all give me some group name suggestions? would be really kind

Tsukasas pov:
-(Thank god class starts before things got awkward....damn I felt like I was a thirdweel to them...) I thought as everybody ran to class as well as Rui going back to his sit (come too think of it.why did I let some stranger touch my hair?..I mean I don't allow my mom to touch my hair) I thought as the gym teacher walked in hyped as ever...
-"Hello everyone!how are you all today?" Gym teacher asked energeticly and everyone said their doing good "Good now you all need to change to your gym uniforms for this activity BC today we are learning how to play badminton!" The teacher said as the class got up from their chairs and start to walk to the locker room
-( goddamnit I hate the locker rooms...) I thought as getting my PE clothes to change in . Some guys were playing around with towels and one of them tripped and fell into........me.
- ( why isn't he getting up?.) I thought (I feel uncomfortable.) I thought (pls go.) I thought (your not funny.) I thought (Should I stand up for myself?.) I thought until someone pushes him away and it was...rui
-"Could you get off of him?his obviously uncomfortable." Rui said
-"A-ah yeah yeah my bad my bas he quickly stood up and just walked away from embarrassment
-i stood there in shock.
-"Tsukasa kun are you ok?" Rui said looking at me
-"..m..." I mumbled "....thx..." I said
-"your welcome you seemed uncomfortable" Rui said as everyone else was going outside

-"Alright everyone! we're gonna start by doing warm ups now!"gym teacher said
-"I hate warmups..." I said not realising Rui was with me
-"Wow Tsukasa kun that was the longest word you said today!"Rui said

They Finnish their warm ups

-"Ok since now everyone is all warmed up let's start off with how it's done!" Gym teacher said "basically you will hold the racket with on hand and the other hand you hold the ball !" He said while demonstrating us "you all will have partners so pick a good rival to battle against!" Gym teacher said loudly
-(I hate this.usually whenever we have to have partners I usually get partnered up with the weird kid that no one likes or the gym teacher himself...)I thought but then Rui came up to me
-"Tsukasa kun would you like to be my partner?~" Rui said to me
-(did he just technically confessed to me?.) I thought "sure" I said
As the teacher gave as rackets and one ball

We played badminton for a while, to be honest I wasn't the best..neither was Rui tho but he just kept on laughing and not take it seriously as anyone else....it felt nice playing with someone instead of someone playing you...

At the end of school:
-"Hey Tsukasa kun!"Rui said to me
-"hm?" I mumbled
-"Don't forget to call me later when you change your mind on the group thing ☺️" Rui said
-(well thanks for reminding me ig?) I thought "K" I said as he walked off

At home:
-"Hey mom I'm home." I yelled
-"..." My mom just looks at me "why didn't you just g-" she hurriedly closed her mouth
-"..." I just ran to my room

What to do?

Maybe draw?

No drawing is not my thing

I could study?

Too tired tho.

Play the piano?



(Right about the group thing) as I hurriedly took out my phone to get his number and texted him

In chat (RuiKamishiro)

Hey Rui this is Tsukasa

Oh did you change your mind Tsukasa kun?

I'd like too join your "band"

But since the others don't know your talent in music and anything about you
How about we hang out tomorrow?


How about we meet in this cafe ---
It has nice music,chill and overall good for hangouts


Back to irl
-(well this could be a start.....Man my therapist is gonna be so proud when she hears this!)

To be continued


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