Ranting about exams in indonesia

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Ok so exams in Indonesia can suck my non existent dick
I don't know wether it's just my school but imagine this
You get a 100 in Pg (Pg means your doing the quistions on your phone) and then you move to paper to do the none abc's quistion and ONLY TWO OUT OF FIVE YOU GOT WRONG SO THE TEACHER FREAKING GIVES YOU A 60

I swear if I were a teacher I'd be laughing my ass of looking at my students exam which I'm 99% sure all teachers do

If I were a teacher I'd probably troll my students into thinking they got good grades but in reality they all failed

And don't get me fucking started with math in tests

Tbh I feel like math in tests aren't that bad
For me at my high school as long as you show your work and how to do it even if your wrong you get extra points and YOU KNOW ME AS THE DECENTED OF ALBERT EYESTAIN IAM SMART AS HELLLLLLLL

Off topic but how does it feel like to have a twin in the same class as you? I think it'd be fun as long as their a boy
Ok hear me out IAM transmasc and I love to trick people and flirt with people so imagine we're like polar opposite twins Yknow yknow;)

Also since I have an exam rn I won't be posting till next week so uh yeah
Also whoever waste their time reading this go study or smt ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ᴼ⁠ل͜⁠ᴼ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Ok bye bye have a nice day / night and I wish the best for you all <3

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