Episode 6: Do you have a plan?

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(A/N: Here's another episode for Ice Queendom! Consider this as a gift for 15+ followers. Also, starting this chapter, there will be nothing but chaos, and brutality. Enjoy!)

Whitley: Tee hee hee hee!

Frostbite (Y/N): Do you really hate us Faunus that much?

Negative Weiss: What a thing to say. The Faunus are the ones who hate humanity.

Frostbite (Y/N): Not all Faunus are like that! How many times, hours, and weeks do I have to repeat myself?!

{While you were getting angry at Weiss's words, you're entire body started glowing as frost starts slowly consuming the room}

Ruby: (Y/N), please calm down! You're freezing the room!

Frostbite (Y/N): Just go...

Ruby: Huh?

Frostbite (Y/N): You and Blake, get Yang and go search for the Nightmare.

Blake: Uh... Okay.

Negative Weiss: What are you whispering about? I won't allow you to deceive my precious imperial subjects.

Ruby: Precious?

Frostbite (Y/N): The ones you locked in the tower.

{She puts the tip of her Myrtenaster on the floor as a wave of fast-moving ice comes speeding down your way as you jump and dodge the attack before you move your tail that launches sharp icicles that impales an Atlas Robot while Weiss moves her head to her left as you landed}

Frostbite (Y/N): You want me... Come and get it.

{You said as you ran behind an object while Whitley watches}

Whitley: Tee hee hee! Look, he ran away, Sister!

Negative Weiss: Silence. Klein, Sister...

Sister: Achoo!

Negative Weiss: Follow Ruby and Blake. I will take care of (Y/N).

Grumpy Klein: Aye-aye, sir!

{We now see Ruby and Blake walking out the area as they come across an infinite logo with stairs that goes around as Ruby uses a coin}

{We cut to Yang, who is now sitting on the top bunk bed, yarning as she swings her legs back and forth, bored out of her mind}

Yang: It feels so weird to get sleepy inside a dream.

Ruby: Yang, come on!

Yang: You're back! Wait, where's (Y/N)?

Blake: He's distracting them. The other Weiss is chasing him.

Yang: And while he's doing that, we go find the Grimm possessing Weiss, right?

Ruby: How do you already know? Wow!

Yang: Well, it just makes sense.

Ruby: ...I kinda don't feel like I'm pulling off this leader thing.

Yang: That isn't true at all. But we don't have time for that anyway. Okay? Let's go, let's go!

Ruby: But...

Sleepy Klein: Hmm? I can hear their voices. What a relief, what a relief.

Yang: Oh. It really does seem like the inside of her heart. So, where should we go?

Ruby: I wonder if we can use this.

{The red relic (Y/N) grabbed a few moments ago started glowing as the snakes eyes glowed as well before traveling in the air}

A God in Remnant {RWBY: Ice Queendom X Male Godzilla Reader}Where stories live. Discover now