Episode 2: This is Beacon

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We start with a ship, flying a ton of student to Beacon Academy over the clouds and a nearby city as the scene changes to Weiss reading while the news was playing the background

Today is the day when a fresh crop of new students arrives at Beacon Academy

Let's all hope they become excellent Huntsman who can protect the peace for our people

Weiss: After the entrance ceremony, students will be split into teams. It'll be crucial to get into the right team.

Then a random orange haired girl with turquoise eyes running to what it appears to be her partner

???: This is crazy, Ren! The bus is actually flying!

Ren: We've already been flying for two hours, Nora, and I keep telling you that it's an airship, not a bus.

We see a boy with yellow hair stumbling, his hand over his mouth like he's about to vomit

Weiss: Does anyone have something to do with motion sickness? I've never been anywhere this noisy!

She looks forward to see a tall girl with red ponytail, curled slightly into a loose ringlet, a brown overbust corset, an elastic, black, A-line mini skirt, a brown opera-length gloves and a red ankle-high sash wrapped around her skirt walking past her as she widens her eyes in shock

Weiss: (That girl...) Pyrrha Nikos!

We then see (Y/N) and Ruby watching the people around him before looking out the window, admiring the beautiful view as the reflection of yourself appears from the window before Yang comes over and hugs the both of you

(Y/N): Argh! Not this again!

Yang: I get to go to Beacon with my favorite sister and (Y/N)! This is the best! You skipped two grades, so I bet they're gonna start calling you a girl genius.

Ruby: I don't want to stick out that much. And I enrolled without knowing anyone here.

Yang: Why don't you make some friends?

Ruby: It isn't that easy for me. I'll just stay with you all the time!

Yang: I'd like that, but...

Taiyang: It's great that you support each other, but it's not good for Ruby if she's always depending on you.

Yang: Ahem. All right! Let's make friends!

Ruby: Eh?

(Y/N): Uh... I'm a friend right here... I guess I'll stay back here then...

Yang: Let's see, who's by themselves and looks bored?

We see Blake sitting with nobody, reading some kind of book as Yang sets her eyes on her

Yang: Over there. Let's go!

Ruby: H-Hey, Sis!

She drags Ruby towards Blake as she continues reading until Yang walks besides her and starts a conversation

Yang: Hello! Got a minute? I'm Yang, and this is my cute baby sister, Ruby! What's your name?

Blake: Blake.

Yang: Blake! Isn't the weather lovely today?

Blake: Almost as lovely as this book that I'll continue to read as soon as you both leave.

(Y/N) in the background: Oof!

Yang: Oh.

Ruby: Hey, what book is that?

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