6 - better

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Waking up Wednesday morning made my heart pump with excitement. Everything in life seemed perfect lately, and I expected that the day ahead was about to be even more extraordinary. Brook, Paige, Nia and I were all going to Universal and Disneyland!

I was on good terms with Brook again, too, to be clear; the day before had been fantastic. We went to a horror movie that left me thinking for hours, a bookstore, and took a long walk together with meals at our favorite restaurants in between each activity. The pressure of being engaged was finally off my mind because we were both on the same page about our relationship again.

Paige and I texted throughout the day and night even though she was also spending time with her boyfriend, who apparently had been giving her trouble, too. I was there for her as much as I could be over the phone, and made plans to talk to her about it later in the day. Since Brook and I talked about everything, she thought it was nice that Paige and I were always in contact with each other; at least, that was what she told me. I was so happy that my girlfriend was finally accepting of my best friend. She understood at last we were all over each other because we had been apart for so long.

After a couple classes at Pepperdine, I drove over to pick up Brook, and we headed to meet Nia and Paige at Universal Studios in Hollywood first. Brook had made me a smoothie for when I picked her up, and when she handed it over, I kissed her lovingly. She wore all gray today, which contradicted my brown tank top and tan cargo pants.

The drive was hardly long with her in the car, singing along to the music and sticking her arm out the window. We were a normal happy couple again, both in good moods. It helped it was a beautiful day, too; obviously it was a bit cloudy, like every day in LA, but it was warm with no humidity at all.

When we parked, I was greeted with another bone crushing Paige hug, and my smile only grew when Nia joined in. Paige had her hair up in a loose ponytail, and was wearing a red crop top and blue jeans. Nia was wearing a black shirt with a band on it, and ripped jeans. When we let go of the group hug, we all laughed, just happy to be together.

"I missed you." Paige smiled, pinching my cheek.

"I missed you, too." I gazed at her warmly.

"Me three!" Nia chimed in.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Brook yelped, and I ran after her to the front of the park in excitement. It had been a long time since I was at Universal, and God, was I excited! I felt like a little kid again as I studied the massive globe at the entrance.

While in line to enter the park, Brook turned to Paige, scratching the back of her neck. She had told me she wanted to say sorry to her for acting weird before, so I presumed that was what she was doing. "I wanted to apologize to you for how I've been acting. Hopefully it's not awkward for you."

"It's not," The other girl replied simply, and I squeezed Brook's hand in appreciation. I saw Paige smile at my girlfriend, but she seemed a bit standoffish. I chewed the inside of my cheek, knowing I couldn't blame her. Brook said mean ass things to her on Saturday.

"So, where do we go first?" Nia asked once we got into the park, jittery and eager to ride something. "I say a roller coaster. The Mummy, in particular."

"Oh, boy, that's the dark one, right?" Paige laughed. "Let's do it!"

We all ran like children to The Mummy ride, trying to avoid all the people standing in the way. I cursed myself for forgetting my Harry Potter shirt on the way there, as I saw a bunch of little kids wearing them. Once we got there, a couple fans recognized us, and they had Brook take their picture with me, Paige, and Nia. When that was over, I hugged Brook and thanked her, but I could tell she felt a little left out.

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