4 - trouble

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I took another uber to get my car from Cafe Encantador the following morning, smiling when I looked inside the restaurant again. I was never going to forget yesterday's outing with Paige.

I decided to pick up coffee and fruit from a farmer's market near my apartment before running over to the closest grocery store. I was going to buy some things for my romantic surprise with Brook that night. I made sure Paige and I wouldn't be at the beach for too long; I'd invite Brook back to my apartment (sober) since she left that morning to skate, and have a beautiful, creative, sensual dinner ready for her. At the store, I decided on salmon, because it was easier for her to chew than steak was. Chicken would have also been a good bet, but I was feeling seafood. Maybe I'd make a little beurre blanc, with a mushroom purée. Overkill? Maybe, but it was for my girl.

I bought some crystal bath salts, candles, and body oils as well, thinking I'd give her a little spa treatment after dinner. I was tingly just thinking about it!

Suddenly, while paying, I got a text from Paige. She said, 'Romantic breakfast over. Malibu Beach???' My face broke into an unnecessarily wide grin, and I sent her a thumbs up emoji back. She said she wasn't too far away, as her breakfast with Jayvon was in the area. He also had a rental car and would just be driving back to their hotel. I sped on the five minute drive home, and packed the ingredients for dinner into the fridge, as well as the fresh fruit I had bought that morning. Then I got dressed in a white bikini, with a peach colored cardigan on top and light blue jean shorts.

On the way to the beach, which was another five minute drive from my apartment, I blasted my music loudly in the car for everyone to hear. Jake Luppen's heavenly voice took over my body; I was playing songs I only played when I was happy.

When I parked next to Paige's rental in a parking lot close by, I noticed it was empty and that she must have been down on the beach already. I only shook my head with a playful sigh; typical Paige, so excited to touch the water that she couldn't wait for me. I noticed a couple other people's cars parked around her's, and I inwardly sighed again...she had to pick the more populated spot. Some of the entrances to Malibu beach were completely isolated from society, but this was where the best tide pools were, I guess.

The sea breeze hit my face as soon as I turned to cross the street. God, how I loved the way it felt. My heart started to pound with joy when I felt the sand hit my toes inside my sandals; I was so close to seeing my best friend again. When I walked far enough so I could see past Malibu lagoon, I was met with something even better.

"Surprise!" Paige yelled from a couple hundred feet away, down by the water. Her voice was dulled by the wind. With her stood Nia Frazier and Maddie Ziegler, the two other original Dance Moms girls who lived in Los Angeles.

"Oh my God!" I covered my mouth in shock and ran towards all the girls, practically knocking them over with a hug. I saw Nia about a month ago, but I could never have enough of her. Maddie...it's been a while, and I decided to express it: "Glad you could clear your schedule for us."

Maddie looked awkward, and I realized how I must have sounded. I made sure to laugh afterwards and grab her hand. When I did, so many memories flowed to the surface of my brain. Some of them weren't the best. "Hey, Chloe" is what she responded with. Her lip twitched up into a small smile.

I turned to Nia. "What's up, bitch?" I gave her another side hug and heard her giggle. And then I turned to Paige and practically leaped on her; I told her I was so happy, and that she was the best for doing this. She kissed me on the cheek in return, and I felt myself turn red. I hoped nobody noticed...I just hadn't expected her to kiss me.

"So, what's new with you guys?" Maddie asked us. "I really am sorry I haven't been around enough to check in. Things have been absolutely insane, and believe me, I don't like it all the time."

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