Chapter 2

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You had dropped off Jake back at his truck. He pulled down to the lake. His parents had sent him with a truck bed full of brush to add to the growing bonfire. He backed up his truck to the pit. He pulled his shirt up and tossed it into the passenger seat. The heat was weighing heavy as he stepped out of his truck. He climbed up the bed of his truck and threw the bigger branches into the pile. Each muscle flexing with each lift and turn.

You pulled up next to him on the four-wheeler and sat comfortably on the seat. You leaned back. Biting your lip at the incredibly handsome aviator. "Am I naked yet?" He smirked down at you, assuming you're undressing him in your mind with how intently you're staring.

"I'm just making sure you know what you're doing." You watched as his muscles gleamed, throwing the last of the wood branches into the pile. "The view is just a perk."

Jake rubbed his hand together, getting the wood debree off his palms. "You're making sure I toss wood into a pit?" He smirked and raised his brows. "I think I can manage." He called her on her bullshit excuses. He flexed his upper body, the sunlight kissing his skin, giving you a gun show. Your tongue danced around your lips, pulling the bottom into a bite. You leaned forward and grabbed the handles, breaking yourself from the trance he was attempting to put you in.

Your brain was running a battle. He was so fine. Carved in all the right places, his bantering was so inviting. Most men couldn't keep up with you.

You had a rough time with dating. Vanny and Blake had seen it first hand. The men were either too clingy and so sweet that it felt like you would break them or just uninteresting with the personality of unflavored oatmeal. You wanted to seize the opportunity to enjoy one night with this impressive man, but at what cost of your moral. You were not the kind of woman who just slept around. No judgment for other women. It just wasn't your style. Which accounts for why the tension was climbing so high for you. It had been a year since your last sexual experience. If you just get through this party, everything will be fine, and your morals will stay intact.

"Alright, big guns. Let's get back to the house. We need a few more things before people start showing up. Im driving." He jumped off the truck and mounted the four-wheeler behind you. "No, you're not." His bare skin pressed against your body. His chest was warm and firm against your back. His hands engulfed yours over the handles. He hit the gas, and once again, he was taking control.

You both got up to the house and held the door for you. You found Vanny wiggling her brows seeing the two of you walk in, especially with his attire, or lack thereof. She looked over to Blake, smirking. Blake looked back and saw Jake walk in behind you. He smiled back at his wife. They both made eyes knowing what the other was thinking.

"Honeybee!" She walked happily towards you. "Jake honey, will you be a dear and grab some firewood and help Blake split it for tonight after the party. This cabin gets cold at night." You knew something was up. She gave you a look, and you had known her for far too long. That look had gotten you into trouble before. Jake was clueless to the brewing of Vanny's antics. He followed Blake out. Blake had tossed his shirt on the couch as he walked out.

"I know that look, Van." You scoffed. "Blake's out there inviting him to stay with us tonight, isn't he."

"Nooo. Not exactly." Vanny bit her cheeks.

You raised an eyebrow. "Then what is it?" You crossed your arms.

"You know, this cabin is just so small with only two beds." She looked towards the hall. "The campsite is going to be filled up with the people that are drinking too much to get home. They've already messaged us and made their sleeping arrangements."
"So, he is staying up here?" You stopped her before she could continue.

"In your room, actually," she said it so fast it was barely audible. "He doesn't have to ask him to stay in the cabin. That was decided a while ago." She then spoke under her breath. "We just didn't tell you that... or him, " she trailed.

"You are such a bitch." You rolled your eyes words spewing like venom.

"You'll thank me later." She raised two glasses of soda. "Now that I gave you a heads up. Why don't we sit, drink some coke, and discuss some politics. The debate is on right now." Her eyes danced towards the window. She sat on the love seat that had a perfect view of the two men.

You both had used discussing politics as a code for ogling over men. It had extended into your adulthood.

Jake bent down to grab the wood on the stack. His toned back glowing in the sun. He placed the wood on the block. It was like slow motion the way his shredded body moved. The dog tags he wore spoke power into your mind. His body was a trap that ensnared your every thought.

"You know Blake told me, Jake just bought a beach house in San Diego. Its a four bed and four and a half bath." You look back at her.

"Van! You're disrupting the visual here." You look back in the direction of Jake.

"You got that look Honey bee." She smirked looking back at her husband. Admiring his physique.

"What look is that?" Jake met your eyes through the window pane. You smiled softly, trying your best to hide it.

"The same one I had when I first saw Blake. You're into him, more then just physically. If you play your cards right maybe Blake and I can come visit you in a four bedroom house. We will be adding a guest though..." she trailed.

You looked back at her quizzically then caught sight of her hand on her belly. "You're pregnant..." you whispered softly as your breathing hitched. Your lungs expanded suddenly letting out a gasp. "No fucking w-!" You yelled. She clapped her hand over your mouth.

"Shhhh... Blake doesn't know yet. I'm only six weeks." You looked back at the two. They hadn't noticed your outburst. "God leave it to you to tell me I'm gonna be an aunt during politics. That explains no wine" You took a sip of your coke. You giggled. "So that's why you're suddenly into my love life."

She rolled her eyes. "First of all this is your God child, but Yeah, I guess I was bit by a love bug." She placed a hand softly on her belly. "I just want the same for you. I know it seems selfish, but it's meant with a good heart. I know you've wanted this life too. Jake called Blake letting him know he was coming back home for a while. We talked about him and I pointed out the similarities. We knew instantly, we had to set this up at least to try. Humor me, Honey Bee. Just give him a shot. Blake says he's a down to earth man, comes from money so he can take care of you, has a stable career, has an incredible body too. He's a little rough around the edges, but that's exactly why we set you up. Your my little stinging Honeybee."

This is the side of Vanny that only those close to her saw, the genuine side. She was the yin to your yang. She brought out the best in you. You matched her energy best you could.

"Okay, Van" You agreed huffing out. "I can try, but only because you are carrying my God child and I don't want to upset them."

She smiled hugging you gently. "Aren't you excited?" She questioned and the conversation turned to her new bundle of joy.

That's My Kind of night - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin -Complete-Where stories live. Discover now