Chapter 7: Collection

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After the battle, they interrogated both the cleric and any surviving members of the mercenary company, all said the same thing, Bolmund was hired by "some big shot," which was apparently more information than the mercenaries typically garnered from Bolmund himself, as he kept business things close to his chest. Henri and Xinxi quietly took care of any of the violent survivors while Ada helped those who were willing to leave.

They camped in the town hall that night and speculated on who set them up, though obviously had no concrete answers, the consensus was maybe the fey boss or his assistant.

That morning was overcast. It was a slow trek back to Sabbia for the group. The realization that someone had set up an ambush for them, was a little demoralizing, not to mention between Bolmund's Mercenary Company and the dragon, Vaike Liiv had been completely wiped out.

"I told you we should've just left." Xinxi said.

"We still can't. This just solidifies the threat that 'Mr Ganges' holds." Alston retorted. "The people of Sabbia are at risk." Xinxi just sighed.

"I.." Ada started, but let it trail off for a few moments. "I.. I want too stay and fight, I've lived in Sabbia for a time and it shouldn't be destroyed."

"I too cannot bring myself to abandon innocent people." Henri said, putting his piece in. Lamb grunted in agreement.

"If you feel the need to leave, Xinxi, we won't stop you. We've only known each other a short time and you owe us no loyalty." Alston explained, Xinxi looking more and more wounded with each word. "But we stand a better chance with you."

"Grrrrr... FINE! But if I die in this nonsense, I'll kill you."

Alston laughed."It's a deal!"

The following day, it started to rain. The roads being well travelled sand, became waterlogged, like beach sand. The poor road conditions slowed them down significantly, Lamb was especially miserable as his feathers were soaked and that he rarely wore shirts. "Every rain I say, I need a jacket. Every rain, I forget to buy a jacket." Lamb sighed as he beat himself up.

"We can always get you a nice trench coat like mine in the city." Alston added.

"It would probably have too be custom made." Said Xinxi. "Ya know, cuz of his wings and how tall he is."

"Enough.. Will get jacket." Lamb said with a modicum of exasperation.

By nightfall, the gates of Sabbia were in view and the party was exhausted, ready to get back to the Eye and rest. As they progressed through the city, Xinxi again was twitchy, though this time Alston really noticed the guards were actively watching them until they entered the saloon.

"Did you see it this time Alston? The guards were watching US specifically. Speaking as a... morally.. gray person.." Xinxi cleared her throat and took a sip of her water.

"Thief." Lamb interjected.

Xinxi choked on her water. "I am not a thief!" She retorted.

"First time we met, you stole an apple." Lamb bluntly stated.

"C'mon, it was just an apple!"

"And I've seen you picking many pockets as we've moved around the city together." Lamb added.

"I've noticed that as well." Henri put his piece in as Ada stifled a laugh.

Xinxi glared at everyone. "Why is today gang up on Xinxi day? MY POINT IS: When the local law enforcers take an interest in you, that's not good. Someone knows something you don't and should."

"She's right though.." Ada stated quietly. "The beggars know to keep a low profile."

"I did notice it this time, but we are a rather motley crew. We do draw attention." Alston said. "But clearly someone doesn't want us to make noise about the attack. Tomorrow I think we should split up and tell as many guards and soldiers as we find. Hopefully at least one of them will pass the message up the chain. Even if we can't get an audience with the DeLaura's, they'll at least know."

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