Chapter Six: Mercenaries and Misdirection

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Three days had passed by the time the sandstorm had ended. The walls around the city held and did their job, the only issue was cleaning up the remaining sand. Sabbia being a desert city, did so promptly, and soon everything was back in full swing. Vendors, merchants and customers all shouting at each other; everything right with the world.

When Alston had returned to the Mimic's Eye prior to the storm, Lamb was waiting for him inside. Apparently they had already received another mission, which receiving one so quickly after turning another in was a little unusual, but the strange part was that the request came directly from the desk of one of the DeLauras.

The mission was to head southeast, deeper into the desert, to a small village called Vaike Liiv and Alston and Lamb were specifically requested to bring their entire team. Alston sat at a table at the back of the saloon, Lamb, Xinxi, Henri and Ada sitting around the table. "It specifically requests we also take, and I quote, 'the Saru woman from the previous mission' and 'the mechanical warrior.' Aston stated as he read the paper.

"Why should I go? This has nothing to do with my organization.." Xinxi scratched her head in confusion.

"And I was gonna go anyway." Henri said quietly. "I don't really have much else to do.."

"I guess we're all going. However..." Alston pulled something out of his coat and set it on the table. "I figured it out."

Xinxi's eyes beamed. "That's a pistol! You figured out Ariana's journal?!"

"I haven't tested it yet though. Haven't had a chance to, what with the sandstorm." Alston said. "But I've already got ideas to improve her design."

"Try it out back." Bahaz said from behind the bar, leaning and cleaning out a glass. "I've got some old bottles you can shoot at." She bent down and produced about a dozen dusty glass bottles.

Pretty quickly, the group had moved to the alley behind the saloon. Bottles were set atop barrels, boxes and rocks. Alston loaded the pistol and aimed. "Hopefully, this doesn't blow my hand off." He chuckled.

"I've got my healing spells ready." Ada said quietly.

"Same." Xinxi added.

"As do I." Henri stated, completing the peanut gallery.

"Thanks for the faith guys.." They all laughed. "Okay here we go.." Alston pulled the trigger which let out a loud cracking sound as a small crater exploded in the far wall.

"You missed." Lamb said bluntly.

"Not quite, the sight is off a bit, I'll have too fix that later." He reloaded and fired again as one of the bottles exploded. Within the span of a few moments, Alston had shot and destroyed each of the bottles.

They all shouted happily and cheered, though Xinxi was especially excited. Alston looked at the pistol in his hand, it felt right. His life long dream was finally complete, he had recreated the pistol design for which he was named.

Before they all left for the next mission, most of the group had errands to run. Alston returned to the blacksmiths and collected the rest of the pieces for his extra pistols. Lamb had said he needed to return to his village as he was running low on his war powder. Xinxi was mum on her plans, saying only that she had important information to relay to her bosses. Ada and Henri stayed behind.

"You should go with them tomorrow." Bahaz said to Ada as the group ate Beefr's dinner special.

"You're more than welcome too." Alston said as he gulped some of his beer. Lamb, sitting next to him with a beef bone in his mouth, nodded.

"I don't know... I never finished my training.."

"So finish it with us." Xinxi chewed and took a sip of her beer.

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