Chapter Two: Test of the Nest

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Alston found himself at the cross roads between the three nations of Malkavia, Drolldoan and De'Ardel. A city had sprung up there a few hundred years ago as it was the perfect spot for trade. Handelstad had started as mostly tents, but as more people came to trade, buildings went up and styles from both Drolldoan and De'Ardel meshed. Saloons with veranda balconies next to tall towers with swooping roofs next to just plain sandstone buildings. Tents and kiosks everywhere between, the bazaar was definitely active. Having no money, Alston was content simply window shopping as he passed through Handelstad, one kiosk was selling a beautiful crossbow that took all of his willpower to walk away from.

Alston had heard from travelers and traders alike his whole life that the best place to look for work was Drolldoan. So from the crossroads of Handelstad, he decided to head east, into the Droll Desert.

The Corporate Nation of Drolldoan is well known for being consumed by the Droll desert, however, many oasises dot the dunes, and therein most of the people live; the nation is controlled entirely by the DeLaura Aguavida Corporation. Within the Droll desert, the DeLaura's have found and tapped every known source of water and sell it too the people at a premium.

Legend states that a bandit was chased out of the neighboring state of De'Ardel and into the desert, the chase given up and the man left to die. Within the countless dunes it's said he found a tiny oasis. A single limp tree with a puddle at it's base. As he knelt down to greedily drink from the puddle, it stirred and revealed itself as a water based Fey, an Undine, exiled to this plane. Though the Fey was dying, the man somehow convinced it too use the last of it's magic and lifeforce to create the great Drolldoan oasis, though no one knows how he did it.

The bandit, named Doan, strode out of the desert two decades later and bid all who heard his voice, gold and water for all who worked for him thus founding the nation of Drolldoan. It's said that the place where he met the dying Fey, is now an endless spring with healing and life giving properties, though if that's true, the DeLauras guard it jealously.

Alston successfully crossed the desert with no real issue. He fully expected bandits or sand monsters to swoop down on him, yet found that the Drolldoan roads were surprisingly well patrolled. Once the Great Drolldoan Oasis was in sight, Sabbia, he broke into a jog. There was a small crowd gathered at the eastern gate too the massive sandstone walls. The crowd was in fact a line, mostly traders having their carts inspected. Alston took his place in line and about twenty minutes later it was his turn. "And what's your reason for entry?" The guard asked, bluntly.

"Just looking for work." He replied.

"Isn't everyone." The guard looked up from his clipboard and saw the shortsword and cross bow hanging under Alston's wolfskin trench coat. "Fancy yourself an adventurer, do you boy?" The guard asked condescendingly.

"Not yet, I'm hoping to get some skill in that."

The guard's partner spoke up. "Perhaps you could try your hand at the monster hunters guilds, they're always looking for people! If not, the gold mines are a good way to strengthen your swordarm!" She stated cheerfully.

The first guard sighed and glared at his partner. "C'mon in kid, and try not to die. When the hunters die, it's us guards who tend to go scrape up whatever is left."

Alston stepped through the gate and gazed up at the massive city. Millions of palm trees gave nearly infinite shade to the streets. Tall, sandstone towers dotted the skyline with smaller one and two story wooden buildings under the palm shade. Aqueducts ran everywhere connecting to nearly every building and the city walls. Sabbia was a beautiful and very clean city, which took Alston by surprise. Denbarc was well kept as well, but still the occasional bit of filth was to be expected, yet there was none too see here.

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