Chapter 23

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" Are you nearly done in there?" Shouted Levi from the other side of the bathroom door.
"No!" I said, I couldn't get my make-up right so I was trying to sort it out but of course Levi wanted to use the toilet. Why do I always have to share a room with him. He has literally no patience.
I opened the door after finishing my make-up to find Levi stood up with his legs crossed. Before I could even say anything to him he ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Well, he must be desperate!
"Come on hop along!" Graham said as we walked ( well I hobbled) into the venue of the book launch. It looked amazing! There were drawings out of the book put up on the walls and there were his books all over the place. It was so Joe style. We had come earlier as some photographers wanted to get family shots before the party started, Alfie and Zoe also came early so we were all stood around talking for a bit. Joe and Zoe's mum couldn't come so it was just us that were in the photos.
" Amelia, this is Tyler," Zoe said as she walked towards me with the one and only Tyler Oakley. I honestly hadn't any idea how to deal with this so I just mumbled a Hi.
" Hi," He said back. " I saw your covers, your amazing!" I mean, now I'm near faint. Then to top things off he pulled a chair up to were I was sat with Levi. Then we started having a full on conversation about crutches. Yes, crutches. Out of the millions of topics that we could have talked about we chose crutches.
" That was so cool!" Levi said as we stood waiting for our taxi outside of the launch. He was in his element all night. Joe is good friends with KSI so he was there and so were a lot of other YouTubers that Levi watches so he loved the launch. A lot of YouTubers that I watch were there too so I got to meet Tyler, and Troye. I found it quite embarrassing talking to Troye as he mentioned that he saw my cover of happy little pill and told me I was a really good singer. I tried to stay quiet as I can't take praise but then I thought I was being ride as I wasn't talking to him.I had the absolute best time of my life. I love all the opportunities that we get because of my Step-siblings. I love my life right now!

Living in a dream world: a Zalfie and ThatcherJoe fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now