Chapter 5

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After we had filmed Zoe showed me how to put an end slate onto a video as I wanted it to say "For James Curtis, 3/5/1976 - 23/4/2008". I then watched her edit the Q and A, it's actually quite cool how you edit. I found if interesting. Then after a while I decided that All of the Stars didnt really fit as a tribute to dad, so I decided to upload that ag a different date and Film See You Again for him video. We were going to go out for dinner in a while so I quickly set up my camera to film ( with Zoe's help) and started my video.

" Hey guys," I said. " So today's cover is really special to me so please don't give it hate. This is See You Again, the non rap version by Charlie Puth.

It's been a long day without you my friend,

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

We've come a long way from where we began,

Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again, when I see you again.

Why'd you have to leave so soon, yeah,

Why'd you have to go,

Why'd you have to leave me when I needed you the most,

'Cause I don't really know how to tell ya that I'm feeling much worse,

I know you're in a better place but it's always going to hurt,

Carry on,

Give me all the strength I need to carry on.

It's been a long day without you my friend,

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

We've come a long way from where we began,

Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again, when I see you again.


How do I breathe without you feeling so cold,

I'll be waiting right here for ya till the day you're home.

Carry on,

Give me all the strength I need to carry on.

So let the light guide your way, yeah,

Hold every memory as you go,

And every road you take will always lead you home, home

It's been a long day without you my friend,

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

We've come a long way from where we began,

Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again, when I see you again.


When I see you again, see you again, When I see you again." Zoe then shut off the camera for me and gave me a massive hug as she could tell I was near tears. This song was written for Paul walker who was killed in a car crash, so it felt fitting that I sang that for my dad. After I had sorted my self out and stopped myself from crying we all went out to lunch at a little cafe near out home then the suggs went out looking around our local area and we went home so me and Levi could do our homework. Exciting! Not! Little did we know that we weren't actually going to do homework as mum had organised for us both to get 2 weeks off so we could get used to our new family members. As soon as I found out I texted Lily.

to: Lily😀💕

sorry, won't be at school for the next 2 weeks. Mum organised for me to have some time off so we can get used to Graham, Zoe and Joe. Can you Skype at around 6 Tonight?

She quickly replied with,

Lucky you!😟 I will have to go back to talking to imaginary friends,😉 can Skype at 6. See you then!


as half five rolled around the Suggs were now back at our house and they said they had a present for Levi and I. We both looked at mum but she just sat with a smile on her face, watching our reactions.

" So, we know that we missed both of your birthdays this year so we thought we would get you a both a present." Graham said putting his arm around mum. While Joe handed me and Levi a large, flat box each that were wrapped up in pink and green paper. Levi started to open his so I followed his lead, slowly ripping the pink paper off the present. When the paper was all of I realised what it was. A MacBook Air. The best present anyone has ever given me.

" Thank you," I screamed wrapping my arms around Zoe and Joe and then going to hug Graham. By the time I had unwrapped my MacBook it was 5:55 so I asked Zoe if she would help me surprise Lily on skype, which she agreed on and even Joe said he wanted to join in so all three of us went up into my room so we could Skype Lily. I opened the Skype app on my phone just as Lily started to call me.

" Hey," she screamed as I answered it.

" Hey," Joe, Zoe and I all said in unison as I switched the video call on.we just watched as Lily slowly managed to get her breath back and speak.

" Hi," she said again trying not to hyperventalat. " sorry I didn't expect that!"


After nearly a two hour Skype call me and Lily said goodbye after we had spoken about how weird it was that I was hanging out all week with both of our idols ( her topic of choice, not mine). Zoe and Joe had gone about an hour ago as they had to back at the hotel by seven and also because they had to upload their videos. I really hope that Zoe's Q and A doesn't get hate.

Living in a dream world: a Zalfie and ThatcherJoe fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now