Chapter 8

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Zoe, Joe and Graham stayed the night after the big announcement then Zoe drove Levi and I to school the next day. As soon as I walked into my form room Lily ran up to me to give me a hug.

" So?" She asked. "Is she?"

"Yep," I replied and Lily gave me yet another hug. I reacted the same way ever time she told me her mum was pregnant. Lily had 2 little brothers called Storm and Wynter.

"And," I continued. "I am now twenty pounds Richer as I bet Joe that she was pregnant."

" how did Levi react?"

"He went up to his room. We both knew it was coming though."

Lily and I then talked about general girl problems all the way through form before we had to go to lessons. we were in all the same classes today; Art, Maths, PE, Food tech and English so it was going to be a pretty good day.


" Grahams picking us up in 10 minutes." Levi told me at lunch after living his table filled with year 9 boys.

" Why?" I asked.

" I dont know, someone from the office said it was for a dentish appointment but I think it was just a cover up story."

" Ok, I will meet you in the reception in 10 minutes then." I said finishing my lunch. I wonder why we are getting picked up early. I hope mum is Ok.


" bye!" I said to the reception lady as we walked out of school with Graham.

" Why are we going early?" Levi asked Graham.

" We thought it would be fun for you both to come to the first scan." He answered.

" Cool," I said taking my phone out the pocket on my bag and turning it off silent.


" so that's your baby there." The nurse said pointing towards the screen. I looked over to mum and noticed she had tears in her eyes.

" It's been ages since I saw one of those." Graham stated pointing towards the picture.

" About tweleve years?" The nurse asket pointing towards me.

" No, about 23 actually." he replied.

" this is our first child together." Mum said not taking her eyes off the black and white image that was projected on the wall.

" Oh," the nurse said in an apologetic tone. " how many have you got all together then?"

" I have Zoe who is 25 and Joe who is 23" Graham said.

" And then theres Levi who is 14 and Amelia who is 12 then this little one." Mum said as she started to cry of happiness. That is literally how mum reacts to most things. She crys.

Living in a dream world: a Zalfie and ThatcherJoe fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now