Chapter 3

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Jake eventually had to leave for work, so he asked the two best friends to quickly finish their conversation and get ready for the ride.

"Lana, I think it would be best if I contacted the trucking company to have your car dropped off at my garage," Jake said while paying for their meals at the counter. "That way, I can take a look at it and make sure it's in good condition." "I'll be able to figure out what needs to be done and make sure it's fixed up properly." He gave her a reassuring smile, the corners of his lips curling up slightly. "Don't worry, it will be back to you good as new"

Jane had excused herself to the restroom, leaving Jake and Lana alone at the bar counter of the cozy café. The two of them sat side by side, sipping the remainder of their drinks and taking in the sights and sounds of the café. The clatter of dishes, the laughter of patrons, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee all created an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Jake and Lana talked quietly, and the noise in the café made it hard to hear them. They discussed their parents and what they would be doing right now, while Jake waited for his card from the cashier.

"Sure thing, thanks, bro; I should've brought the car to you the day you told me to; if I had, we wouldn't have been stranded on the road."

"I know you think you can handle yourself, Lana, but you can't always control what happens." What if that old lady wasn't there to help you guys? What if you had gotten hurt? shuddering Jake started to think about what he would have to tell our parents. I know it's difficult to accept help from someone else, but it's important to remember that sometimes we need the support of others. Not only that but being aware of your surroundings and taking precautions is also important.

Lana couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as she thought about it. She didn't want her parents to feel like they had to worry about her at such an age, but she understood why they would; she tends to do ridiculous things most of the time. She could only imagine how concerned they must have been. Taking a deep breath and looking away, she offered a small apology.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again," Lana said, her voice barely above a whisper. Lana was filled with guilt and regret as she uttered those words. She knew that she had made a mistake, and she had to take responsibility for her actions. She had to prove that she was capable of making decisions on her own, even at the ripe age of twenty-six. She had to show that she was smart enough, strong enough, and mature enough to handle her own life.

She was determined to make things right again and prove that she could be trusted.

Jake had been incredibly frustrated with Lana earlier, and he felt like he had to scold her in order to get his point across and help her see sense. He felt a bit guilty afterwards, however, because he knew that Lana was actually a very sweet and endearing person who was just a bit too stubborn for her own good. As he hugged her now, he wished he could take back what he had said and make things right between them. He knew that, deep down, and he wanted her to know that he really did care about her.

Lana and Jake had a few moments of solace before Jane came out of the restroom. She looked at them a bit strangely, as if she was wondering how it felt to have a sibling that cared for you as much as Jake did for Lana. Jane was an only child, so she didn't know the feeling.

Lana was embarrassed for being caught in such an intimate moment and quickly turned away, her face turning pink. Jane didn't seem to notice, however, as she was too busy thinking about the situation.

Jane, standing tall, her eyes peering intently and expectantly as she looked between Lana and Jake. Her lips pursed together as the words "is everything OK?" came out of her mouth. Her voice was filled with concern and curiosity, as if she was hoping for an answer that would make the situation better.

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