Chapter 1

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Jane woke up with a significant headache, but she had to get well to go to the party with her best friend. The party is in an hour, and she has no idea what she will wear. What will happen if she doesn't go? Will her best friend be mad? Will Jane face the awkwardness of being the only one not there?

Damn her head hurts, Jane knows drinking plenty of water will help her feel better, but it's still not enough. She might have to take painkillers and wait for the headache to pass before going to the party.

Jane was exhausted from her painstaking headache, but she snatched a towel and entered the lavatory. She hurriedly showered before her closest friend drove to receive her for the party.

Promptly discarding the towel, she switched on the faucet and stepped in. The hot water felt marvelous as it cascaded downwards over her frame. Jane experienced a sense of rejuvenation, partially attributing it to relief from the headache she pondered.

As she finished washing her hair, she could feel the warmth of the water cascading over her body, providing her with a sense of relaxation and calm. She reached for the shampoo and began lathering her locks, enjoying the invigorating scent of the product. After thoroughly rinsing, she grabbed her shower gel and proceeded to scrub her skin, feeling the suds working to remove the dirt and grime from her body. When she had finished, she stepped out of the shower.

Jane's hair had been meticulously braided into a single long plait, so black it almost seemed to absorb the light around it, like a raven's inky feathers. The braid hung down her back like a thick rope, the end of it curling around her shoulder. The neatness of the plait gave it a regal, almost royal look as if it had been placed there by a skilled hand. With her hair so perfectly styled, it was easy to see why Jane was so proud of it.

Her eyes were a stunning blue, like the depths of the ocean, and they sparkled in the sunlight. Her skin was as pale and white as fresh snow, and she had a delicate and petite frame. She stood at five feet five inches tall, and her curves were something she embraced and loved.

Now she was ready to go!

Jane waited on Lana, her best friend, to pick her up so they both could go to the party.

Jane was absolutely ecstatic to finally be old enough to go to her first party and be away from her parents right after she graduated from college. Although she had already secured her own apartment and was currently working at a firm, the prospect of a fun night out with her friend was still too exciting to contain. She had been waiting all week for her friend Lana to pick her up so they could go to the party together. She had heard so much about it and was looking forward to experiencing it.

When Lana arrived, she wore a dress that Jane had never seen before. It was a deep shade of blue and had intricate beadwork along the edges. The fabric seemed to shimmer in the light and Jane could tell it was an expensive garment. She had never seen Lana wear anything like it before and she couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Jane herself was wearing her favorite dress, which was a bright yellow hue with a pattern of small white daisies embroidered along the hem. It was a garment that she had cherished for many years and was a reminder of the carefree days of her childhood. She had accessorized it with a white belt and a pair of silver earrings, which complemented the cheerful colour of the dress.

Lana was a vision of beauty with her long, golden hair cascading down her back, her brown eyes shining with depth and intelligence, and her ivory skin glowing in the light. She stood tall and proud at five feet six inches, her presence immediately captivating all those around her.

Her laugh is like a symphony of wind chimes, tinkling in the air and spreading joy to all who hear it. Her voice is velvety and melodic, like a lullaby that brings peace to the soul. Her happiness is an orchestra of the sea, with each wave of her joy carrying a beautiful, harmonious song. She is a beautiful being of light, whose presence brings joy to all who are lucky enough to be in her presence.

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