Chapter 2

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After being dropped off in the town by the kind woman Glen, Lana, and Jane were currently relaxing at a quaint little cafe they had discovered. When Jake, Lana's brother, arrived, they laughed and talked away when he entered.

The moment Jane laid eyes on him, her heart skipped a beat. He was tall and attractive, and he possessed a grin that had the power to win her heart.

Jane couldn't help but gaze at Jake as he strolled toward their table as he neared, and she did so even after he sat down.

"Hey, sis," Jake said, giving Lana a big bear hug. He held her tight, taking in the familiar scent of her perfume. He felt a wave of comfort wash over him as he embraced her. Glad she was no longer stranded on that road.

When Lana introduced them, Jane immediately felt embarrassed, and her cheeks flushed. She knew that Jake remembered her from High school, by the look of surprise in his eyes.

"And hi Jane," he said, with a warm smile. "It's a pleasure to finally put a name to your face. I've heard so much about you from Lana, she definitely couldn't shut up about you, but I was intrigued. I'm glad to finally meet you in person."

Jane responded with a rosy smile, her eyes twinkling with delight. "Thanks," she said warmly. "It's nice to finally meet you too. She paused, then continued. "I'm so glad to finally have the opportunity to get to know you in person. I don't know if you remember but we went to the same high school, I might have looked different then.

She laughed, her voice light and cheerful. "It's been a long time since then, but I'm still the same person," she said with a wink. "I'm looking forward to getting to know you better."

Jake settled in next to Jane, and the two found themselves deep in conversation as they waited for their drinks. Jane felt a strange connection to Jake, something that she had not felt before. She thought that he could feel it too, and they shared a look that seemed to confirm her suspicions. As they waited, the conversations grew more intimate. Jane found herself opening up to Jake, telling him all sorts of stuff.

Jake wore a grin as he inquired to Jane the matter he had been wondering about. Since meeting her, Jake was curious about her occupation and couldn't wait to know more details. Jane seemed to take some time contemplating before she answered: "I'm employed with an insurance firm and operate as an insurance specialist, monitoring documents and assisting people with their policies.

" It's not something overly captivating, although it is still worthwhile on its own terms. Not only do I get the privilege of aiding others, but I also get to learn a lot about the industry, but not only that I volunteer at the animal shelter."

Jane smiled proudly as she spoke of her volunteer work at the animal shelter. She had been volunteering there for the past few months, and it had become a passion of hers. She loved spending time with the animals, getting to know them and helping care for them. She especially enjoyed the feeling of making a difference in their lives, even if it was only in a small way. She had formed close relationships with some of the animals, and she cherished the time she got to spend with them.

"I remember you telling me that you still work at that center," Lana said, her eyes widening in surprise. "I didn't know you were still there. How long have you been working there?" She asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

"It's been almost four years now," she replied, a hint of pride in her tone.

"That's really something," Lana said, admiration in her voice. "It hasn't been easy, but I'm proud of what I've accomplished," Jane continued.

"It definitely shows," Lana replied. "You should be proud of yourself, it's not easy to stick with something for so long."

Jane smiled fondly as she answered the question. "I love them. I never had a pet of my own growing up, but I have always been drawn to animals, so I enjoy visiting the animal shelter. I always make sure to spend some time with each of the cats and dogs there, and I find it so calming to just sit with them and watch them play. I feel so lucky to be able to provide them with some love and attention, it's so rewarding."

"I'm a real dog fan, you know," Lana declared enthusiastically. "I just love the way they greet you when you come home, no matter how long you've been away. Their loyalty and unconditional love is just so heartwarming. Every time I pet a dog, I can't help but smile. They always seem to know when you need a little extra love and affection, and that's something I really appreciate."

"I figured as much," Jane said to her best friend, blushing slightly. She had been hesitant to share her thoughts, but finally decided to open up and explain why she felt so strongly about animals.

"You know, I don't think I could ever live without them," she began. "Animals have such an incredible capacity to show love and affection, and they always seem to be able to understand me in ways that other people can't.

" I feel like I can be myself around them, and I don't have to worry about being judged. "I've always shared a special bond with animals, and I just can't imagine my life without them."

"One thing I like about them is that they are unusual." They're unlike any other creature out there, and I love how they differ. Another thing is that you can't judge them by their appearance. Each one has its unique personality; some animals can be shy, and some can be bold, but they're all still animals and still worthy of respect".

"Wow!" Lana exclaimed, awestruck. "That was really deep." I'm just starting to realize that you have quite a fondness for these kinds of topics. "I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to share your thoughts with me." She smiled warmly at her friend, happy to be able to have such meaningful conversations.

"I agree." Jake looked at Jane with admiration, unable to keep his eyes off her. He felt a strong connection to her, something that he had never experienced before. He was drawn to her in a way he couldn't explain.

Jake nodded, his eyes still fixed on Jane. He was captivated by her beauty, but it was more than that. It was like there was an invisible bond between them, something that could not be explained but could still be felt. He felt drawn to her in a way he couldn't explain, as though he couldn't resist the magnetic pull. It was a feeling unlike any other, and he felt it in the very depths of his soul.

Jane looked down, trying to avoid his gaze. She felt like he could see through her, like he could see her very soul. She was terrified that he would know how she felt about him, that he would know she had feelings for him that went beyond . She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help the way she felt.

Having a crush on your best friend's brother, what was she thinking?

Jane was in turmoil. She felt like she was betraying her best friend and her own morals. She was confused and scared, but she couldn't deny her feelings for Jake. She tried to hide it, but the more she tried to hide it, the stronger it became.

She thought about confiding in her best friend, but she was afraid of what she would say. She thought about letting Jake know right here, in this lovely cafe, but she was afraid he would reject her. She was stuck in a state of limbo, not knowing what to do.

As the server placed the desert on the table, taking Jane out of her thoughts, she was suddenly brought back to the present moment. She had been so lost in her own little world that she had almost forgotten where she was. She looked around the table, noticing the other diners, and the pleasant atmosphere of the restaurant.

She took a moment to appreciate the food that had been placed in front of her, the sweet smell of the desert tantalizing her senses. She took a bite, savoring the flavor and the texture, and feeling grateful for the wonderful experience.

Even though she was, in some ways, enjoying the desert, she couldn't help but continue thinking of Jake. She was beginning to realize how much she cared for him and thought that maybe, just maybe, she should let him know before it was too late.

She had been too afraid to say anything before, but now she was beginning to understand that she didn't want to miss out on the chance to tell him how she felt. She was starting to think that maybe she should take the risk and tell Jake how she felt.

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