End Credits

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AN: Thank you so much for reading!! I really hope you liked this story, as it was probably one of my favorite stories to write. (And I think one of the longest, word count wise. Some of those chapters got up to 5,000 words, and I usually stick to doing about 2,000 per chapter, so I apologize XD) I really loved getting to explore other characters that I don't focus on as much. Having this story really helped me get out of my writer's block and it was just so exciting for me to write, that I just couldn't stop!

This story was originally inspired by the song "Pierre and Natasha," from the musical "Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812." Some chapters of this story were very loosely based on songs from that musical.

When I originally came up with this story, I only had one chapter in mind, and that was the chapter called "Danielle and Marc." As you can see, the story grew A LOT from that. I am really happy with the way this turned out and I really hope you liked it. Especially since this was NOT how the first version of this story looked. (At first, this was just going to be a One-Shot with Pierre from one of my other stories. Then it got too long, so I decided I was going to call this book "Bad Guy," and I changed Pierre's name to Nathaniel. In that version, it was going to be stated that he was Blumiere's dad from the beginning and we were essentially going to learn why he became such a jerk face. He was going to be the author of a book called "The Line Between Good and Evil," which Blu and Dim find in the future. However, I decided to make a switch again when I realized that I wanted to add Merlon into the story, THEN I changed Nathaniel's name to Marc (per my sibling's request. We had a long talk about what the protagonist's name should be, but eventually decided that Marc fit best because, and I quote, "it reminds me of that one dude from Miraculous.") Long story short, I am MUCH happier with the route I went. Especially since I got to add in a completely random gay ship that absolutely NO ONE asked for XD)

Anywho, thank you so much for reading and I really hope you liked this story. It felt a lot different from the stories I usually do, especially since half of it was set in the past and revolved around Merlon, a character I hardly ever give the spotlight to. In most stories, I try to avoid focusing on OCs and smaller characters like Merlon because I'm afraid that people will feel discouraged from reading anything that doesn't involve Dimentio and Luigi/Mr. L, so I really hope you enjoyed the story, and seriously, thank you so much for reading.

Also, I was NOT planning on a sequel. Then, SilverStarWarrior brought up a good idea that got me thinking about a kinda-sequel. (An AU sort of thing. So a sequel that's not actually canon to this story, but a sort of "What If" situation.) I've got a lot of projects I'm working on right now, so the sequel is a solid maybe, but I love love LOVED writing Marc's half of the story, so I would absolutely love to do that and write with him again.

I hope to see you in the next book!

Sincerely, Jimmy

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