Chapter 15

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"What?" Blumiere asked, frowning at Dimentio.

The jester stilled for a moment. Then, all the tension in his facial expression had released. He looked up at the former count with a look of not defeat, but acceptance. The fearful expression he wore just a few short seconds ago had melted away.

"I have to stay here," Dimentio stated. "I... can't forgive myself. Maybe someday I will be able to, but not now. Not yet."

Blumiere shook his head, refusing to let Dimentio give up. Not after everything they had done. They were in this together from the start. "No, you can't give up! We're so close! We can make it! We just-"

"I'm not giving up," Dimentio corrected. "Besides... there's no one waiting for me in the Overthere, Blumiere. I... need to live and make those connections before I can leave. I need to learn."

"But- the rules!" Blumiere exclaimed. "What if I get there and Jaydes gets mad at us for being too far apart?! If I go on my own, I'm never going to see you again."

"I don't think Jaydes can touch either of us out here," Dimentio admitted. "Besides, my goal all along was to never see you again, remember?"

He said that in a joking tone, but Blumiere still couldn't help but feel saddened. Yes, he and Dimentio had a rather rocky relationship that involved a lot of hate and fighting, but at the end of the day, they were in this together. He wanted them to make it to the Overthere together, as a team. He felt like he finally was able to consider himself a friend, and now Dimentio was saying he wasn't going to the Overthere with him?!

"It'll be okay," Dimentio promised, smiling a true, genuine smile. "I think... I think I would rather stay down here anyway. I don't have a Timpani waiting for me up there."

There's no Luigi in the Overthere.

Blumiere's eyes widened slightly in realization.

Oh, THAT'S what this was about...

Dimentio didn't have a Timpani waiting for him up there, however, he DID have a Luigi waiting for him out here. Sure, no one really knew what those two had going on, but it was apparent that there was at least something. It was apparent that Dimentio wasn't going to be moving on until he found a way to earn Luigi's forgiveness, and it was clear that Luigi was willing to stick up for him in order to give him the chance to do so, even after all they went through.

"There could be if we just killed him," Blumiere quietly pointed out in a half-joking tone.

Dimentio chuckled, then nodded and brought a hand to his chin, as if pondering the thought. "Good point..." he trailed off.

Both former villains quietly laughed and shook their heads. Still, there was a hint of sadness in the air. Blumiere could feel it. He could assume Dimentio felt it as well because the jester slowly looked down.

"Quit being so depressing. I still hate you, you know?" Dimentio stated, though it was clear that there was no meaning behind his words.

"I know," Blumiere breathed, knowing very well that Dimentio was lying. The former count softly smiled, then set his staff and lantern down and placed a gentle hand on Dimentio's shoulder. "I'll miss you too."

Dimentio rolled his eyes and shook his head, fighting not to get emotional. There was no way he was going to let something as stupid and insignificant as a simple goodbye make him cry. He was going to keep it together and mask his emotions like he had trained himself to do for years. 

".... Do you forgive yourself?" Dimentio asked.

Blumiere paused, thinking the question over. It seemed like a simple yes or no question, but the answer didn't come to him as quickly as he would have liked.

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